Fame Is Like Family Part 50;)!

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"What do you mean she's gone?" Ryan asked as he pulled back from his mom.

"She packed her bags and left just a few days ago," she said.

"Why? Where did she go?" he asked shocked.

"She went to stay with your dad. She didn't say why," she said sadly.

"Oh she's in Stratford?" he asked gladly.

"No," she said.

"Then where is she?" he asked.

"In America," she mumbled.

Madison was scared of seeing Ryan again so she ran. All the way to Los Angelos to go on tour with her dad.

Her dad had picked her the airport and was driving her to the tour busses.

The ride to the busses was real awkward, her dad had not said one word to her. She sighed as she got out of the cat. She knew it was going to be a long couple of months.

Her dad showed into their bus in which they shared with the vocal coach, and the stage manger.

Madison walked off the buss as the adults began to talk about boring stuff.

They in a parking lot in downtown la. They were supposed to be leaving soon but one of the opening performers was running late.

She soon saw a blonde headed boy walking towards her. She knew exactly who it was.

"Hey," the guy said as he walked up to her and smiled at her.

"Hi," she said while smiling back.

"So you are THE Madison Butler," the guy said while still smiling. She laughed.

"Yeah, and you are THE Cody Simpson," she said which made him laugh.

"Yep the one and only. You know I heard A LOT about you," he said.

"Alright that's not freaky," she said jokingly.

"No, it's just that Christian used to talk about you nonstop," he said.

"Oh. How's Christian doing? I haven't seen him in forever," she stated.

"Oh he's good. You know has the biggest crush on you," he kindly said.

Her eyes widen.

"No I didn't know that. So all this time he's been trying to flirt! I would have never guessed that," she said acting shocked. But Cody could tell it was filled with sarcasm.

He laughed.

"Which bus are you on?" he asked.

"The boring one aka the one with our mangers," she sighed.

"Worng," he said while smirking.

"What?" she asked very confused.

"You're riding with Greyson and I. You'll keep the ride entertaining. I am not taking Bo for an answer," he said as he grabbed her arm and began to drag her towards his bus.

"Nope," she said while smirking and stopped walking.

"What?" he asked.

"My answer is nope not no," she said.

"Alright let me put it in other terms. You can ether A. wiling be on my bus or B. I can carry you there," he said.

"I choose C," she said with writ.

"Oh really?" he asked.

"No I just stick with A," she said.

"Oh well too bad," he said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because you just miss seeing these awesome muscles on this hot guy at work," he said. She just laughed.

Sure she was flirting but it was completely harmless. She knew that he knew that she was just joking around and so was he. Or at least she hoped be was...

Ryan was going to go back and live with his aunt. Chaz begged him not to because he didn't want to be left alone. But Ryan had made a promise in which he had to keep.

Justin was giving him at car ride back. Which Chaz decided he would join. He could already tell, it was going to be one awkward ride.

Justin was driving (of course), Ryan had shotgun, while Chaz was sitting in the back seat.

They were discussing random things but Justin seemed to be really out of it. Ryan could tell.

"Justin?" Ryan asked.

"Uh huh," Justin responded as if he was daydreaming.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

"Nothing," he responded.

"Then what's on your mind?" Ryan asked.

"Just wondering what tour Madison is on?" Justin sighed.

"Dude!" Chaz shouted from the back. Ryan knew they were trying to not talk about Madison in front of him.

"What he asked!" Justin replied. They over at Ryan to find him staring off into space and smiling.

"You are alright there, Ryan?" Chaz asked while reaching to snap his fingers in front if Ryan's face. Ryan came "back down to Earth" suddenly.

"Yeah, I am fine. It's just that," Ryan said but he couldn't finsh as began to laugh.

"What?" Justin asked wondering about Ryan's sudden outbursts.

"Justin, you totally have the hots for my sister," Ryan said all the sudden serious.

Justin slammed on the brake and shouted "WHAT?"

"You heard me," Ryan responded.

"I do not," he shouted

"You most definitely do," Chaz responded while smirking.

"I do... Wait... Alright... nice joke guys. Vet funny," Justin said while laughing.

"This isn't a joke," they said at the same time.

"It's alright Justin. You have my blessing for her hand in marriage," Ryan said seriously.

"Hold up that's not fair. You two would get to be brothers," Chaz wined.

"Well it's never going to happen because it's illegal," Justin said.

"What?" Ryan asked.

"It's illegal to marry your sister and that's Madison is to me a little sister," he said.

Justin and Chaz had dropped Ryan off and where heading back to Stratford. As soon as they got back Justin would have to go to LA.

The ride back was much less awkward. Chaz brought up the most random things. But of course there was a sudden awkward quietness.

"Justin?" Chaz asked.

"Yeah," he responded.

"Hear me out," Chaz commanded. Justin just shook his head.

"Look I know you going to deny it every time I say it. But I deep down in you, you know you have feelings for Madison," Chaz said.

Justin thought about it. Maybe Chaz was right. Maybe the feelings of love was more than brotherly. Maybe that's why he always was so excited to see Madison.

The more he thought about it, the more he knew it was true. He, Justin Bieber, was in love with Madison Butler.

The moment you all have been waiting for!!!

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