Fame Is Like Family Part 29

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This chapter goes out to: Gemmiiieee

I read our idea in the comments and LOVED it

They went through answering a bunch of stupid question but the end was coming near.

Madison knew exactly who she was going to pick...

Christian crossed his fingers he hoped Madison didn't pick or maybe he wanted her to. He couldn't decide.

"Who are you picking then, Madison?" Caitlin asked. Madison knew who.

"Uhmmmm....."Madison said acting like it was a hard decision. Someone was playing the drum, and everyone in the crowd was hitting their legs trying to sound like a drum roll. No one would expect this answer....

"I pick bachelor number two (Chaz)," Madison said while smirking. Nothing could replace the look on Ryan's face. She thought Chaz's face must have looked way better. The crowd gasped. She could Christian laughing in his alien voice.

The wall was lifted up, and Christian gave Madison a high-five. Chaz still looked shock.

So Madison went up and whispered in Justin's ear, "You just can't prank me can you Justin?"

Chaz came "back down to Earth." He gave Madison a hug, and the Teddy bear he had in his hand.

Justin gave his box of chocolate to some girl in the crowd who went nuts. It was really funny.

Madison said something into Christian's ear and he nodded. He gave his stuffed heart pillow down to a little six year old girl in the crowd. She was so cute. She looked like she had a major crush on Christian. He whispered something into the little girl's ear, and she smile really big.

She knew she couldn't give the teddy bear Chaz gave to her away but she so wanted to give it to this little girl who looked to be about four on the first row.

Chaz saw what was going on, and smiled. He stole the Teddy Bear from Madison, and gave it to Justin. Justin gave it to that little girl. The girl bushed bright red, and hugged the bear real tight. It was funny because he bear was almost twice as big as her.

Christian began to walk off stage so Chaz, and Madison followed quickly so Justin couldn't do anything else to them like go on a date.

Once they were off stage Chaz began to talk. "Really Madison why me?" Chaz asked.

"Because no one expected it so it was like getting back at your prank," Madison said proudly.

"Oh come on. Can you at least give me prank? Is that to much to ask for?" Chaz whined. He slowly walked away to go to his box seats to watch Justin concert.

Christian looked at Madison and they both laughed.

"Good one," Christian said while giving her another high-five.

"Why thank you but now it's your turn," she said before grabbing his hand and talking him to a dressing room.

She grabbed his outfit and told him to go change.

"Oh no if I have to this, you have to do it too," Christian said while throwing her a matching outfit.

"Alright fine," Madison whined but before she went to change she ran and grabbed Chaz.

"Want to get revenge on Justin!" Madison asked Chaz after she caught him.

"Yeah," he said acting it was so oblivious. He smiled real big too.

She took him back to the dressing room with her. She changed in the bathroom while Christian and Chaz changed in the dressing room. Christian explained the whole plan to Chaz. It was a really good idea on Christian's part.

Madison stuffed her hair into her hat and then they all went backstage. They were dressed up as Justin's backup dancers.

"What are you all doing?" asked Scooter who was in a mix of emotions of being mad, and thinking it was funny.

"Playing a prank on Justin," Christian said. Madison glared at Christian.

"Can we please play a prank on Justin, Scooter. Pretty please," Madison plead.

"I will probably regret this. Don't tell Justin.," he sighed. they nodded their heads.

"Alright then go ahead," Scooter happily said while pushing them forward. He probably wanted revenge on all the pranks Justin had played on him.

They ran on stage soon after the other dancer where about to enter. They did the most awful dance ever. Most of the crowd was laughing but Justin didn't notice because he was in the middle of singing.

The song ended and the crowd was still laughing. Justin was a little upset he thought they were laughing at his singing.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked. The crowd pointed to the dancers behind him but it was too late. His original back up dancers had already replaced Christian, Chaz, and Madison.

That whole night Justin figure out, that he had gotten pranked.

A couple of things I have to say;

1. Go read Player Vs. Heart-breaker by Missxmissingyou. It is so good but not many people have read, and voted on it. I think it's WAY better than my story.

2. I will put a good book for you to read in each chapter. So if you want send me a private message saying you want me to read your book. Missxmissingyou has no idea I did this, I found her story.

3. I have decided to be a meanie. I am requiring 20 VOTES for each chapter. Or 600 VOTES IN ALL. I have 70 fans so I know a lot of you can vote. I WILL NOT CONTINUE UNTILL I GET THAT MANY VOTES.

4. The idea of this chapter is from Gemmiiieee. So thank you. This chapter goes out to you.

5. Number four shows that I read your comment. So what do you think?

Remember I am going for a Watty Award so...

Comment, VOTE, fan etc.



if to don't have anything nice to say DON'T say anything at all. (No haters)

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