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YELENA HEARD A loud sigh, followed by a grunt and a sound that resembled someone placed a heavy box onto the floor. Maybe she was right when she thought this place could be being used for storage by the owner. Yelena cautiously peaked her eyes around the corner to see a tall man in a sheriff uniform with his back facing her.

The man took off his hat and placed it on the counter besides the mac n' cheese before turning around. Yelena's eyes widened at who she saw. He looked exactly like her 'dad' - Alexei. In fact, she was sure it was him. What in the world was he doing here? Did Dreykov send him through too?

Alexei wouldn't hurt her. Yelena slowly came out from the back room, gun still in her hand, and gulped before speaking up.

"Алексей? (Alexei?)" She said, barely above a whisper. The man's head snapped up and his hand flew to the gun on his hip when he eyed her weapons.

"Who the hell are you?" He questioned and Yelena frowned. Why did he sound so... American? And why was he asking who she was? Did he not recognise her? She was seventeen now, but she'd thought he still would've recognised her.

"Alexei, it's me. Yelena." She said.

"I don't know who the hell 'Alexei' is, and I don't know who the hell you are either. Now I'd appreciate it if you told me what you're doing in my cabin and where you got those weapons." The man snapped. Yelena gulped and furrowed her brows. He really didn't know who she was. She could see the genuine confusion on his face.

"I..." Yelena trailed off, cluelessly. "Where am I?" She asked. That's when the man, Chief Jim Hopper, began to get concerned. She could be a victim of kidnap or anything. He could see her stunned expression. She was just a kid and she looked like some sort of secret FBI agent.

"You're in Hawkins, Indiana, kid." Hopper told her as he scanned over her weapons again. He'd never seen that model of gun before. "Where are you from?" He asked, noting her accent. That seemed to bring her attention back to him again. She looked at his uniform and noted the year on one of the badges stitched to his shirt - 1983.

"W-who are you? What year is it?" She questioned.

"My name's Jim Hopper, Chief of Police. Today is the 29th of March, 1983. Where are you're parents?" Hopper said. Yelena's mouth fell agape slightly. Had she gone back in time to an American town?

"I... I don't..." Yelena stuttered. She didn't know what to say. What to think. Hopper took a step towards her but Yelena's eyes were back on him in an instant and her gun pointed at him.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said. "Look." He slowly took the gun from his hip and placed it on the counter besides his hat. "How about you put you're weapons down too and we can talk. I can help you." He said. Yelena looked deep in thought for a moment before lowering her gun.

"We can talk, but I keep my weapons." She said.

Hopper handed Yelena a bag of chips and watched as she scoffed it down as if she hadn't eaten in days. She sat on the dusty sofa and he came to sit besides her. He waited until she finished her food before beginning to ask his burning questions he had for her.

"So, kid. What's your name?" He asked. Yelena swallowed the last bite of her food and gulped.

"Yelena Belova." She answered.

"You Russian?" He asked.

"Born in Ukraine... raised in Russia." She told him with a grimace at the thought of the Red Room. Raised was one way to put it. Not the right way though. More like imprisoned.

"And where are your parents?" Hopper questioned.

"I... I don't know." She whispered. "I shouldn't even be born yet." She let out a breathy chuckle in disbelief.

"What are you talking about, kid?" Hopper asked.

"I was born in the year 1989. You said it's 1983. I shouldn't be alive right now. I must've somehow managed to get I to a different universe when I came through the opening in the tree." Yelena explained, muttering the last part more to herself. But Hopper was confused. He thought that maybe she'd hit her head or something? Maybe be was on some sort of drugs?

"I gotta make a phone call." He said, standing up off the couch.

"No!" Yelena yelled, grabbing his arm. "Please." She begged, lowering her voice to barely above a whisper. Hopper could hear the anxiety in her voice.

"Are you in trouble?" He asked.

"I-I don't want to go back." She gulped. Yelena was still a kid. Especially at heart. The only childhood she got was fake and didn't last long. She would take any chance she got to stay away from the Red Room. Even if she wasn't born yet. She didn't even know if the Red Room existed here, but she wasn't about to risk it.

"Back where, kid?" Hopper asked.

"B-back... back to the people who ruined my life." She stuttered. Hopper ran a hand over his face and down his chin where it rested in thought. This girl was terrified. Whatever had happened to her had scarred her for life. He thought, if this was his Sarah, what would he want someone else to do for her. He certainly wouldn't want her to be thrown out back into the dark, scared and alone.

"Alright, kid. You can... you can stay here until I figure something out. That sound good?" He asked and Yelena nodded. She didn't know why she felt a sense of trust towards this man. Perhaps it was because he looked so much like Alexei.

Hopper didn't know how long he was going to be able to let this strange girl stay. He didn't know if she was telling the truth or not. I mean, how could she be? She claimed she was born in 1989. All he needed to do was get to the station tomorrow and run her name through some files and tests to see where she came from, and possibly find out what happened to her. She could be a missing person or anything. He was going to keep it on the low since the process shouldn't take long. He was going to find out what happened to Yelena Belova.

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