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BIOLOGY WASN'T THE worst lesson for Yelena, in terms of enjoyment. She was actually one of the best in her class, but it wasn't her favourite lesson. Part of why she liked it was that it always went fast. It was over in what felt like half an hour. The teacher, Mrs Diaz, also liked Yelena, which is why she had a special job for her. Certain people in the class didn't have grades as impressive as Yelena, so she thought it was a good idea to ask her model student to tutor one of them, or at least help them study. And she had a certain student in mind.

"Yelena, may I speak to you for a moment?" Mrs Diaz asked as everyone was dispersing from the class. Yelena nodded and made her way over to the desk, seeing that she wasn't the only one to be called to stay behind. She stood in front of the teachers desk besides a fed up looking Steve Harrington.

"Can't you just talk to her about it and let me know tomorrow or something? Why do I have to stay behind?" Steve groaned. To say he was embarrassed was an understatement.

"Steve, this matter concerns you. It is about you, so you are going to stay behind and be appreciative that I'm organising this for you since you don't seem to be doing anything about it yourself." Mrs Diaz told him, firmly, making Steve roll his eyes. "Yelena, Mr Harrington here has been... struggling with biology lately. And, as an intelligent individual, I've selected you to be his tutor until he manages to get his grades up to standard." She explained and Yelena's eyes widened. She couldn't think of anything worse.

"I, uh... I have better things to be doing." Yelena said, sending Steve a smug glare, to which Steve looked to the floor and refused to make eye contact with her.

"Yelena, this would not only benefit Steve, but it would benefit you too. Tutoring would look good on any future college applications, especially successful tutoring, which I have every bit of faith that you will be able to boost Steve's grades." Mrs Diaz tried to persuade her. Yelena thought for a moment. She didn't care about Steve's grades, but if it made her look better, then she would get great pleasure out of going somewhere more successful than Steve. And if that meant going to a better college, so be it.

"Fine." She sighed. "I'll do it."

"I knew you'd come around. Thank you, Yelena." Mrs Diaz said before looking over to Steve, widening her eyes and tilting her head towards Yelena.

"Right, yeah, thanks." He huffed.

"Я тебя ненавижу (I hate you)." She muttered before slipping past him and out of the classroom. She was about half way down the hall when she heard footsteps and her name being called out.

"Yelena, wait!" She turned to see Steve hurrying after her.

"What?" She snapped.

"My place or yours?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" Yelena raised her brows.

"Tutoring. You can do today, can't you? Like 5:30?" Steve questioned.

Yelena nodded, "your place." She said and began walking away again when Steve grabbed her arm. Yelena tugged it away and looked him up and down.

"I just wanted to say thanks. Like actually thanks for doing this." Steve sighed.

"Don't thank me yet." Yelena said. "I have a plan to teach you everything wrong so your grades get worse." She smirked, making Steve chuckle. She began walking away again and Steve's face fell.

"W-wait, you're not actually planning on doing that, are you?" He called out to her.

"Of course I am. Why shouldn't I?" Yelena laughed to herself, shaking her head as she made her way around a corner.

"I don't blame her one bit." Steve muttered to himself with a sigh as he looked at the ground before making his way to his next class. He wouldn't even be mad if she did. She had every right to after how he'd been treating her. All because his stupid friends were doing it. Did that make him picking on her okay? No. Absolutely not. He wasn't quite sure why he thought it was okay. He didn't know what was going through his mind when he was near her. Other than the fact that she looked like an angel.

Maybe he was just trying to show off. Maybe it was all about reputation. Maybe he was trying to impress her. He didn't know how humiliating her was going to do that, but he didn't know how else to approach her. No one else did, so he didn't either.

Steve would never admit it to his friends, but he was more than excited for his new tutoring sessions.


After last period, Yelena was quick out of school and on her bike to go to the police station. She needed to tell Hopper where she was going, and she didn't know where the Harrington's house was. Hopper had all the addresses documented at the station.

She rode her bike at a pretty fast pace all the way there, dropping it right outside the station when she arrived. She walked in, being greeted with 'hello's and 'good afternoon's since she was a pretty familiar face now. She got to Hopper's office and pressed her ear to the door, making sure he didn't have anyone in there before opening the door. Hopper's head lifted at the sound and he smiled when he saw that it was just Yelena.

"You alright, kid?" He asked as she took a seat opposite him.

"Yeah. I need an address." She answered.

"I'm not gonna have to cover anything up, am I?" He questioned, making Yelena laugh.

"No. I wouldn't need help with that." She chuckled. "I've been chosen to tutor someone from my biology class."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Hopper asked.

"Steve Harrington." Yelena sighed with an eye roll.

"You don't seem too excited about that. I heard he's the heartthrob of the school." Hopper chuckled.

"More like headache of the school." Yelena scoffed, making Hopper laugh.

"I'll give you a ride. What time?" He asked.

"5:30." Yelena told him.

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