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"DID EL TELL you how I got here?" Yelena asked once herself and Natasha were away from the rest of the group.

"She told me more than that. She told me everything." Natasha replied.

"That's good. Less explaining for me. But more for you." Yelena said. "How did you get here? All the gates from where we came from to here are closed. It's near enough impossible to open one like it."

"I didn't come through a gate. Not exactly anyway." Nat said. "Truth is, I don't really know how I got here. Back in the other... universe, there was this war. In 2018. It was called the blip. Half of the universe vanished. It took the Avengers five years to figure out how to get them back with the help of this guy called Scott Lang. We had to get these six stones - the infinity stones - in order to do it. Me and another Avenger, Clint Barton, agreed to get the soul stone. But to get it... one of us had to die. He had a wife. Yelena. Kids. And he still wanted to be the one to do it." Nat explained. "B-but I beat him. I jumped off this cliff. A-and that was it." She wiped a tear. "I know they did it. I know they won." She sniffled. "I-I was confused when I woke up. I thought maybe I hadn't died from the fall. But I wasn't in the same place. I was in th-this empty lab. There was dark particles everywhere and a gate a couple feet away from me. I went through it. And here I am." Nat explained. She didn't quite know why she had ended up in another universe when she died. Maybe this was her heaven? Back with her sister? Or maybe this was the universe giving her another shot at life somewhere else because Natasha Romanoff deserved better.

"Y-you went through a gate in the lab?" Yelena asked, taking everything in.

"Yeah. There were scientists and guards everywhere, but I found a way out. I kept seeing everywhere that it was 1984, but I thought maybe I was just in some crazy town." She chuckled a little towards the last part and so did Yelena. "So I left. Got the first bus I found. It went to Chicago. But everywhere was 1984. So I decided I needed to come back to Hawkins. Figure out what the hell was going on. I met El on the bus back. She explained everything to me. Everything apart from Alexei, what the hell is he doing here?" Nat asked.

"That's not Alexei." Yelena chuckled. "I guess these alternate dimensions have similar looking people. That's Chief Hopper. He was the first person I met here. You can imagine how confused I was." She added and Nat chuckled. "But he took me in. And then El, too. If it weren't for him I'd be in a lot of trouble right now. I'd be struggling. He gave me a home." Yelena smiled.

"Я скучал по тебе, сестра (I missed you, sister)." Natasha said.

"Я тоже скучал по тебе (I missed you, too)." Yelena replied. "Сестра (sister)." She added and the two girls enveloped each other in a tight embrace.

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