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STEVE'S VISION WAS blurry and distorted as his eyelids flickered open. He could feel how swollen they were straight away. A feeling of nausea overtook him at the motion he was moving. His eyes slowly flickered around to see Dustin, Mike and Max sat around him. He let out a little groan as his ears rang, which caught the attention of the kids around him.

"H-hey, Steve." Dustin cooed.

"W-where's Yelena?" Steve asked, scrunching his eyes closed and attempting to lift his head and touch his face.

"She's here, she's in the front seat. But don't touch your face, okay? Don't touch it." Dustin said. "It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass but you put up a good fight." He added, which Just confused Steve even more.

"Okay, so you're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas directed Yelena since he was holding the map.

"What's going on?" Steve asked, groggily.

"Distract him." Yelena hissed to the kids in the back but it was too late. Steve had seen the seats and the windows and the steering wheel and the large can of gasoline besides him.

"Woah, woah, woah, I thought I said not to do this! Stop the car!" Steve panicked.

"It's okay, Yelena can drive." Dustin tried to calm him.

"Yeah, but she doesn't have a license." Mike sassed.

"I don't think that's what he's worried about, Mike." Max said.

"I can fly helicopters! Driving a car is like riding a bike to me!" Yelena exclaimed.

"Please, just stop the car!" Steve begged, but Yelena put her foot down on the accelerator.

"Make a left." Lucas said.

"Here?" Yelena asked, seeing that the road wasn't actually much of a road, but more of a gap in the bushes with a small gravel path.

"Yes, here!" Lucas snapped and Yelena made the sharp turn. Steve cried out at the sharp turn, clinging onto Dustin since he had no seatbelt.

"What is the matter with you, Steve? Don't you trust me behind the wheel?" Yelena questioned.

"Mike said you don't have a license!" Steve yelled, squeezing his eyes shut as the car bounced over the grass bumps.

"Doesn't mean I can't drive!" Yelena defended. "Well, not legally anyway." She added a little quieter. She pressed her foot on the break and the car came to a halt, much to Steve's satisfaction. He let out a groan when everyone began climbing out of the car, Yelena included. Steve rolled out with a grunt and pushed himself up.

"Oh, no, guys." He groaned as the kids began gathering all the equipment out of the car. "Yelena why would you let them do this?" He asked, lolling his head from side to side.

"Sorry, Harrington, the public vote overruled me." She shrugged. "Besides... it could be fun."

"A-are you insane?" Steve's eyes widened and he turned to the kids. "We are not going down there right now! Yelena is easily swayed, but I made myself clear!" He said.

"Steve! You're upset, I get it!" Dustin started. "But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance." He said. "Now I know you promised to keep us safe. So keep us safe." He said, handing Steve the bat.

Yelena furrowed her brows and muttered to Max, "am I easily swayed?"

"... yeah." Max replied and walked away to Lucas. Yelena shrugged and grabbed the goggles and the bandana she was going to use as a mask before tying it around her face. She grabbed another pair of things and headed over to Steve.

"Time to suit up, big boy." Yelena said, loosening the goggles so they didn't press on his face too much. "Hold these." She said and handed the goggles to Steve. She walked around behind him and gently slid the bandana around his face just below his eyes. She carefully tied it, making sure that it wasn't too tight on his fresh wounds. "Is that okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, yeah, it's okay." Steve confirmed and slipped the goggles on, making a few adjustments while Yelena put hers on.

"Do I look cool?" She giggled up at him. The goggles were huge on her face and the striped bandana had the most random colours on, but Steve thought she look hilariously cool.

"The coolest." He chuckled.

Steve was the last into the hole after Yelena, and all the kids went first. It smelt like shit.

"I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike said, referring to a self drawn map.

"You're pretty sure, or you're sure?" Dustin questioned.

"I'm 100% sure, just follow me and you'll know." Mike assured him.

"Woah, woah, woah, hey, I don't think so." Steve said, snatching the map from Mike. "Any of you little shits die down here, me and Yelena are getting the blame, got it dipshit? I'm at the front, she's at the back, kids in the middle, okay?" He ordered. "Come on, come on, a little hustle." He added and everyone snapped into action, following Steve. Yelena at the back, kids in the middle, Steve at the front.

After winding through the tunnels, going in a couple wrong directions, Dustin being overdramatic about every little noise, the group finally came to a stop.

"Alright, Wheeler. I think we found your hub." Steve said to Mike.

"Let's drench it." Mike said.

"Yeah! This is the fun part!" Yelena unscrewed the lid on the can of gasoline she was holding and drenched it all over the place, having a little too much fun. Everyone copied and soon enough the whole place was soaked in the flammable substance.

The group gathered at the entrance ready to run while Steve crouched in front of them with the lighter in his hand.

"Is everybody ready to run like hell?" Yelena asked.



"I think."

"Light it up, Harrington." She said and Steve flicked open the lighter and tossed it into the hub. The whole thing burst into flames and the group set off running.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Dustin repeated over and over as they ran.

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