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AS YELENA WALKED out of the back door to rummage for supplies to fix the window, the rest of the group heard the faint sound of a car pulling up outside. Max was first to the window, already having a bad feeling about who it was. As soon as she saw the car, he stomach dropped.

"I-it's my brother. He c-can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. H-he'll kill us." She said to Lucas.

"Should I get Yelena?" Dustin asked, worriedly.

"No." Steve said and Dustin looked concerned. Now just wasn't the time for all the 'tough guy shit'. They needed an assassin, and they had one. "I've got this. Stay here." Steve ordered and headed outside.

"Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?" Billy asked, blowing the smoke from his cigarette into the chilly night air.

"Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants." Steve said with his hand on his hip.

"What're you doing here, amigo?" Billy questioned and both boys walked towards each other in an intimidating manner.

"I could ask you the same thing. Amigo." Steve replied, mimicking Billy.

"Looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here." Billy said.

"Huh, that's weird. I don't know her." Steve told him.

"Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch?" Billy listed, his voice doing nothing but try and get a rise out of Steve.

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry, buddy." Steve replied.

"You know, I don't know, this whole situation, Harrington. I don't know, it's giving me the heebie-jeebies." Billy said with a fake shudder, tossing his cigarette onto the floor and standing on it.

"Oh, yeah? Why's that?" Steve asked.

"My 13-year-old sister goes missing all day. And then I find her with you in a strangers house. And you lie to me about it." Billy confronted.

"Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here." Steve insisted.

"Then who is that?" Billy asked, pointing to the broken window with his cigarette. Steve turned around and saw the kids all duck.

"Oh, shit. Listen-" he was cut off by Billy hardly shoving him to the ground.

"I told you to plant your feet." Billy growled and made his way inside.


"Where do you keep your hammer, Joyce?" Yelena muttered to herself as she searched around the shed for a hammer. She'd found some wooden planks and nails to board up the window, but it'd be no use unless she had something to bash the nails into the wood with.

She'd been on the hunt for it for a ages now, she was surprised the group hadn't come and checked on her. She thought she heard raised voices a few minutes ago, but it sounded like the kids saying Steve's name so she'd just assumed that they were still trying to convince him to go through with the plan.

"Ugh!" She let out a groan in frustration and decided to take the wood and nails inside anyway and ask the kids if they knew where Joyce kept her tools. Yelena furrowed her brows when she heard the kids voices again, but the closer she got, the more she realised how distressed they sounded. And then she heard grunts of pain. And the way the kids were shouting Steve's name sounded like worry.

Yelena sped up, dropping the wood and nails as she burst through the back door, her eyes widening at the sight. Steve was on the floor, trying to pry Billy Hargrove off of him. Billy was punching the shit out of him.

"Что, черт возьми, происходит?! (What the hell is going on?!)" Yelena exclaimed and rushed forwards, ripping Billy off of Steve before sending a hard punch across his face.

"Belova! You got one hell of a punch!" Billy laughed like a psycho, blood dripping down his mouth. He went to strike her but she dodged it, grabbing his hair in one hand and placing her other forearm against his neck, pushing back until he was pinned against the wall.

"No one hurts Harrington and gets away with it. Not on my watch." She grimaced and pulled his head forwards before slamming it back into the wall. Just then, Max appeared besides her and stuck an injection into Billy's neck. Almost immediately, he became drowsy and stumbled around. His eyes were heavy as he looked over to Max.

"The hell is this? You little shit, what did you do?" He questioned before falling backwards onto the floor near Steve. Yelena's eyes widened and she ran to Steve's side while Max grabbed the spikey bat and began threatening Billy with it.

Steve was completely knocked out. His face was bloody and bruised. Yelena winced and gently moved some of his hair from his face and out the way of the wounds. She hated seeing him like this. It was bad enough when he got beat up by Jonathan, but this was much worse. Billy had been waiting for his chance for a fight and he didn't hold back when he got it.

"Yelena, do you have your licence?" Mike asked as Max held up Billy's car keys.

"Hey, no, we can't go anywhere while Steve is like this!" Yelena protested.

"But do you have your licence?" Mike repeated.

"I don't have a license but I can drive. Doesn't mean I'm going to though." Yelena told him.

"Yelena, think about it. We have to do this. Hopper, El and Natasha are all in that lab. If we don't help them, they might not come out." Dustin warned her in the nicest way possible.

"Look, if you don't wanna come, we'll go by ourselves." Mike said and Yelena was deep in thought.

"I'll drive." Max said.

"You can't drive." Mike argued.

"I have once." Max told him.

"Where?" Mike asked.

"In a parking lot." Lucas answered.

"That doesn't count." Mike said.

"Fine! I'll help! Just please all of you shut up and help me get Steve in the car." Yelena reluctantly agreed. "But if any of you Маленькие демоны (little demons) die in that tunnel, you parents better not sue me." She groaned. "Steve is going to kill me."

Dustin scoffed, "Yelena, look at him, he's not gonna do shit."

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