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STEVE HOPED THAT Jonathan had lost or broken his new camera that Nancy brought him. He'd forgotten to close the blinds yesterday while him and Yelena were having sex. He just hoped there were no perverts spying on them or taking photos of them. It had happened before and his ex girlfriend left him for the pervert.


Is that was Yelena was to him? Was she his girlfriend now? He sure hoped so. He was sure his body had never released as much serotonin than it did yesterday. He was completely high off of Yelena. He was sure he was in love with her. But he was scared of being left again.

Yelena was sleeping peacefully besides him. They were both under the duvet completely naked and the morning light was coming through the window. It didn't seem to bother Yelena. She was snuggled up to Steve's side and he had his arms around her, pulling her close. He could see the hickeys on her neck from yesterday. Thank the lord the spare room was downstairs and on the other side of the house so poor Nat didn't hear them. Hopefully.

Steve's hands brushed over her shoulder in a gentle soothing manner as she slept and he began noticing things he didn't last night. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't notice how many small scars littered her body. No doubt from spars and missions in the Red Room. Oh the hatred Steve had for the Red Room. It angered him every time he even gave the slightest thought to what they did to Yelena  - and so many other young girls too. Girls like Yelena.

She began to stir and Steve saw her eyes squeeze tightly shut before fluttering open. It took her a moment to adjust to the light in the room before she gazed up at Steve. She gave him an adorable grin, to which Steve let out a little chuckle.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." She grumbled in her raspy morning voice. There was something about Yelena's voice that made his stomach flutter. Especially yesterday. Probably the slight rasp. It was hot.

"You're calling me sleeping beauty?" Steve chuckled.

"Yes." She muttered, burying her head in the pillow.

"Yelena?" Steve asked.

"Mhm?" She responded, looking up at him.

"Y-you're my girlfriend, right?" He asked her, nervously.

"Have you ever wanted to date an interdimensional girl?" Yelena asked him back.

"No. Just you." Steve replied.

"Then yes." Yelena chuckled. "I guess I'm your girlfriend now."

"Ha. You're stuck with me forever." Steve teased her.

"Oh, the torture. How ever will I manage?" Yelena asked, her voice thick with sarcasm.

"You'll manage just fine." Steve smirked, pushing himself up onto one of his elbows and leaning down so his lips were hovering over hers. "I mean, you seemed to manage just fine last night." He whispered before pressing his lips against hers.

"Your breath smells." Yelena teased, pushing her face away from him.

"Holy shit." Steve chuckled, menacingly.

"What?" Yelena questioned and Steve took ahold of her jaw with his fingers, tilting it to the side. His fingers on his other hand, traced over her neck and chest.

"I sucked the shit outta your neck last night." He chuckled to himself.

"I need to see." Yelena gasped. She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, stretching her arms in the air. Steve admired her toned arms and back and the way her waist dipped then rounded again at her hips, which also had little bruises on them in the shape of Steve's fingertips.

She stood up off the bed and found Steve's t-shirt she briefly borrowed last night, slipping it over her. She could see Steve watching her through the reflection in the mirror.

"Pervert." She taunted. Steve stood up out of bed and watched as Yelena's eyes trailed all over him, making him smirk. He knew that would happen.

"Now who's the pervert." He cocked his eyebrow.

"Shut up." Yelena turned, hiding her blush. She walked over to the mirror and her eyes widened at the sight of her neck. Little bruises littered all around the sides of her neck and collar bones.

"Did a good job, didn't I?" Steve questioned, proudly. He slipped on some sweat pants and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"And how do you plan on explaining this to my sister and Hopper?" Yelena raised her eyebrows.

"A good night. A good night indeed." Steve grinned, pulling up the side of the shirt she was wearing a little, exposing her slightly bruised hip.

"And you expect to survive that?" Yelena chuckled. "Anyway, next time this will be you. I'll get my revenge." She grinned, leaning her head back on his bare chest to look up at him.

"Can't wait." Steve kissed her forehead. Yelena turned around so they were chest to chest and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"D-did you really enjoy it last night?" She asked a little shyly.

"Of course I did. Best sex I ever had." Steve said. "And not because it was just good sex. Because it was with you." He added. "I don't think you realise how crazy I am about you." He kissed her nose, making her grin.

"I'm crazy about you, too." She smiled and Steve felt his heart flutter hearing her say it back to him.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Hell yeah." Yelena replied.

The two of them tidied themselves up a little and headed downstairs for breakfast. Yelena made sure her hair was covering her neck at all times. Nat was already in the living room eating a bowl of cereal and watching tv. She'd made herself at home. Steve put in some toast for him and Yelena as Nat came in the kitchen with her now empty cereal bowl. The entire time she had a knowing smirk on her face and was pushing back either a laugh or a smile. She leant against the kitchen counter and looked between Steve and Yelena.

"So," she started. "You two had fun last night."

Both Steve and Yelena turned bright red and Yelena put her face in her hands.

"We had a great time." Steve grinned. Yelena looked at him in horror while Nat burst out laughing.

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