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Hopper had underestimated how long it would take to help Yelena. It had been six months and he had nothing. Nothing. Not a single lead. It was as if she didn't exist. As if she'd just appeared out of thin air. She was still staying at his cabin. They'd tidied it up a bit to make it more homey for her, but he wasn't sure how much longer he was gonna be able to keep hiding her.

Well, he wasn't hiding her. He had been for the first month or so, but being the chief of police only gave him so much power. One was not being questioned by people who didn't know his business. So, for his co-workers and friends, he'd been telling people that Yelena was his niece that was having family troubles at home so she would be staying with him for a while. The two of them had grown quite close. Yelena was still rather closed off in terms of emotions, but the two of them shared an unspoken trust and managed to have the odd laugh with one another.

And as for staying in the cabin, because of Hopper's niece story that was told, he thought it was a good idea to enrol Yelena into Hawkins High School. Yelena despised the idea at first. It was just like reliving her child hood. Everything was a lie. But she knew that it was necessary if she wanted Hopper's story to stay believable - and he was the chief of police so he made it happen. He didn't think it was fair on her to be closed off all day every day. And perhaps she'd make some friends. She told him she'd made lots of friends.

But that was a lie.

Yelena was almost excited for her first day at school back at the start of September. Very nervous, but almost excited to see what it was like to be a normal teenager. She didn't know what she expected, but to say she was disappointed was an understatement. She thrived in her lessons. She was good at every subject, but making friends was not her expertise. After all, she didn't have the best social skills. It just wasn't what she expected.

But Yelena thought to make friends you just needed to be kind, funny and welcoming. She tried that, but apparently you needed a lot of other traits too. It wasn't just about making friends. You had to do everything a certain way to fit in with a certain group of people. Dress a certain way, listen to a certain type of music, act a certain way, have a certain level of intelligence. All these things determined what group of friends you fit in with, and not many groups of friends were willing to take on another member.

Not to mention being 'normal'.

Yelena always knew she was going to be an outcast, but she didn't think people would remind her of it every day. Kids were mean. Horrible, in fact. Outcasts, or 'freaks', were alway the butt of every 'joke' too. Yelena had had her clothes scrutinised, her accent mimicked, she was even tormented about her handwriting. And on top of that, she was the new kid.

Yelena's physical scars and bruises from fights in the Red Room healed quickly, but the words of bullies hurt deep down. She was pretty good at brushing it off and showing she didn't care, but she just had questions about why she hadn't yet made a single proper friend. Yes, there were people she spoke to in lessons and in the corridors, but there wasn't one person who she could go and sit with in the cafeteria without feeling awkward or out of place. There were so many times where she just felt like swinging at bullies and beating the shit out of them, because she knew she could, but had to remind herself that she was trying to keep on the low.

Yelena just knew she didn't fit in with anyone in this... new world. Or, at least, she was still waiting on that person.

Aside from her struggles at school, Yelena was doing well. She quite liked the small town vibe that Hawkins gave off, and funnily enough she enjoyed going for walks around town. She found it rather peaceful. Strolling around with Hopper's headphones on, listening to American Pie. It was very calming.

Yelena usually rode an old bike of Hopper's to school. It was a rusty, beat up old thing, which school bullies also liked to remind her of. But it did it's job, so Yelena didn't care. She wasn't one to complain.

Luckily, she managed to snag the last gap on the bike rack outside the school. She didn't usually manage to do that and would have to go around to the ones behind the school near the gym where all the soccer douchebags hung out.

Yelena pulled her headphones up onto her ears and walked into the school hallways. She found her way through the bustling crowds and to her locker where she grabbed her textbooks for her first lesson of the day - biology. She let out a huff and shut her locker before she felt a hard nudge on her left side, knocking the music tape from her pocket, which pulled the headphones off of her head and onto the floor. She thought that maybe it was an accident since the school halls were so busy at the moment, but as she crouched down to pick up her things, a foot slammed down onto her American Pie tape and headphones, crushing them.

A gasp left Yelena's mouth and she looked up to see Tommy Hagan's stupid face laughing down at her. A glare formed on Yelena's face as she let out a frustrated huff and picked up the remnants of her tape and headphones.

"Sorry, loser." Tommy snickered, laughing as he made his way down the hall with his stupid face and his stupid girlfriend, Carol, and his stupid friend, Steve Harrington. God, how she hated those three. She could see the stupid grins on there faces as they walked away, very pleased and amused with Tommy's actions. She didn't know why they had it in for her, but they did. If Yelena only had three punches left in her whole life, she knew exactly who she would be swinging for. Tommy with his stupid grin, Carol with her stupid smirk, and Steve with his stupid hair.

"Придурки (assholes)." She hissed, placing her now broken music tape and headphones in her locker before marching to biology.

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