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5:30 ROLLED AROUND pretty quickly and soon enough Yelena was outside the Harrington household in the passenger seat of Hopper's sheriff car. She was kind of amazed at how big his house was. Now she kind of understood why his head was so big too. She'd probably be the same if she had a house like that.

"Remember to eat something. Don't want you going hungry." Hopper reminded her.

"But the Harrington's don't look like they have much to spare." Yelena snickered and Hopper laughed.

"I'll see you later, kid." He said.

"Bye." She responded, hopping out of the car with her bag full of textbooks. She heard Hopper's car drive away and knew there was no going back now. She let out an exasperated sigh and began walking up his driveway. She was about to knock but saw a fancy looking doorbell and decided to use that instead. It looked expensive. It even sounded expensive when she pressed it. Steve got to the door faster than she expected. He was at the door in an instant, leaning against the doorframe.

"Uh, h-hey." He greeted her. His voice was much less smooth than his actions.

"Hey." She responded. Steve stared at her for a moment and Yelena's eyes looked everywhere but at Steve. She felt very awkward. Her lips pursed and she bit the inside of her cheek.

"A-are we studying in the doorway or..." she trailed off, which snapped Steve out of his daze.

"O-oh, yeah, right. Come in." Steve said, moving to the side so she could get through the door.

Yelena's eyes scanned around his house. It looked even richer on the inside. She raised her eyebrows when she caught a glimpse of a swimming pool outside. He had his very own pool. Yelena knew how to swim, but she'd never been swimming for fun before. She'd never relaxed around a pool before.

"You have a pool." She muttered under her breath, but Steve heard.

"Uh, y-yeah, yeah. You like relaxing by the pool, huh?" He asked with a chuckle at her astonishment.

"Never really done it. Looks fun though." She answered. "But back to studying. Where are we going?"

"We can go upstairs. To my room." Steve said.

"Lead the way." She replied and followed Steve up the stairs. He lead her down a corridor and into a boyish-looking room where he sat on his bed. Yelena slid her bag off her shoulder and placed it on his bed too.

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