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YELENA KNEW SOMETHING was going on with Hopper. The past few days he'd been acting much more secretive and always looked deep in thought. She'd asked him what was wrong on many occasions but he'd just brush it off by saying it was work. Everyone had been acting rather odd lately though. Even Steve. When she was tutoring him last night he just seemed down and also deep in thought. She asked him what was wrong too and he just brushed it off saying it was something to do with Nancy.

Speaking of Nancy, the phone in the cabin had just rang and Yelena picked it up since Hopper was out. It was Nancy.

"I know this is a strange ask, but, you know, since you live with chief Hopper... we - me and Jonathan - thought you maybe have access to some, uh, some guns." Nancy inquired and Yelena let out a snort.

"What the hell does Nancy Wheeler need guns for?" Yelena asked.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you over the phone. I think you'll need proof." Nancy said.

"I have guns of my own. But I need to know what I'll be using them for. Spill." Yelena provoked.

"So," Nancy sighed. "There's this... thing. This creature. It's the same thing that's been taking all the missing people. And I saw it last night. We're gonna kill it. We already have some weapons, but only one gun." Nancy explained.

"Creature? What kind of creature? What does it look like?" Yelena questioned, thinking back to the creature in the opening that she'd run from all those months ago.

"It's tall. Really tall. And-"

"Has no face? Just a mouth that opens like some gruesome flower?" Yelena guessed.

"Yeah, exactly... how did you know?" Nancy asked.

"Because I've seen it, too." She replied.


Yelena agreed to meet Nancy and Jonathan in town with her guns so she put them in her backpack and slung it over her shoulder before hopping onto her bike and cycling into town. They agreed to meet by the movie theatre, but when Yelena got there she was not expecting to see what she saw.

"Holy shit." She muttered as she looked up at the movie theatre sign. There was red spray paint all over it underneath one of the movie titles, spelling out 'starring Nancy the Slut Wheeler'. Yelena just hoped Nancy hadn't seen it yet, but felt her stomach drop when she saw Nancy across the street, storming down an alley with Jonathan pacing behind her. Yelena raised her brows and speed walked across the street towards their direction.

"Nancy!" She called out but Nancy ignored her and instead Jonathan turned around.

"This isn't good." Jonathan whispered to her when they saw that she was marching right up to Steve, Tommy and Carol.

"No shit. We need to stop her, they're not worth the time or energy." Yelena said as they followed her.

"Aw, hey there, princess." Carol greeted in her annoying voice.

"Uh oh, she looks upset." Tommy chuckled but Steve just glared down at her, not having noticed Jonathan or Yelena yet. Yelena did have to purse her lips to hold back a little laugh when she saw Tommy's bruised face though. Him and Carol made shocked noises and laughed when Nancy slapped Steve right across the cheek.

"What is wrong with you?!" She hissed.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you, I was worried about you." Steve snapped. "I can't believe that I was actually worried about you." He scoffed.

"What are you talking about?!" Nancy questioned.

"I wouldn't lie if I were you. You don't wanna be known as the lying slut now, do you?" Carol taunted and turned to Yelena. "Looks like your title's been revoked."

"Yours hasn't." Yelena snickered.

"Speak of the devil." Tommy said, eyeing Jonathan, which made Nancy put the pieces together.

"You came by the other night." She huffed.

"Ding, ding, ding. Does she get a prize?" Carol snickered.

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't like that." Nancy snapped.

"What, you just let him into your room to... study?" Steve asked. Yelena's nostrils flared slightly and she gave Steve a hard glare. She knew he was taking a jab at what himself and Nancy had done, but he knew that saying stuff like that was out of hand and could make rumours spiral.

"Probably for another pervy photo session." Tommy snorted and Yelena furrowed her brows. She'd definitely missed a thing or two in this situation.

"We were just-" Nancy started.

"You were just what?" Steve interrupted. "Finish the sentence." He told her but Nancy couldn't. She couldn't for Steve's own good. He didn't know anything about the creature or Nancy getting chased by it or anything. "Go to hell, Nancy." He muttered when she stayed silent. That just made him believe his own theory even more.

"Let's go." Yelena whispered to Nancy, seeing the hurt on her face.

"Yeah, let's just leave." Jonathan agreed, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"You know what, Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed." Steve started, shoving Jonathan in the shoulder, repeatedly. Jonathan ignored him the first few times as Steve was insulting him, but as Steve began bringing his family into it, Jonathan began getting angrier. As soon as Steve mentioned Will, Jonathan turned around and swung at Steve, punching him in the face. Nancy gasped and Yelena's eyes widened and Tommy and Carol laughed.

Steve wiped some blood from his lip before tackling Jonathan and the two of them engaged in a fist fight. They scrapped around on the floor, throwing punches at each other faces while Tommy and Carol egged them on.

"Kick his ass, man!" Tommy yelled.

"Shut the hell up before I kick your ass. Again." Yelena pointed at him.

"Steve, stop!" Nancy shouted. Yelena ran her hands over her face, not knowing whether to intervene or not. She didn't know who deserved it and who didn't. Steve definitely deserved a punch for what he was saying, but with the sounds of it, he thought he was being cheated on with Jonathan, who was apparently taking pervy photos of them.

The sound of cop sirens made everyone panic and Tommy and Carol ran off down the alleyway. Nancy begged Jonathan to stop as the two of them carried on punching. Yelena ran forwards and started pulling them apart, with Nancy following her lead. Nancy managed to get Jonathan away and Yelena mouthed for them to just go as she yanked Steve off the floor.

"Pull it together, Harrington." She scolded and shoved him a little as a signal for them to run to get away from the cops. She'd be dead if she was found near another fight. Especially if she got her bag searched.

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