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YELENA DUNKED HER cup in one last time and guzzled the alcohol down. It dripped down her cheeks and she dropped the cup, using her now empty hands to wipe the excess off her face with a laugh at her own clumsiness. This time it didn't give her a buzz though. It made her head ring. She let out a groan and held a hand to her forehead. In an attempt to get away from the loud music, she squeezed her way through the crowd towards the door when someone shoved past her.

"H-hey!" She hiccuped, but lowered her voice when she saw it was Steve.

"Oh, Yelena. I'm-I'm sorry." Steve apologised and seemingly headed for the same door Yelena was heading for. He looked upset. Probably to do with Nancy, so Yelena decided to follow him outside. It was significantly quieter on the back porch than it was inside. Much emptier too, since no one really went out back. The music and rowdy teens could still be heard, but there was nothing but a garden in sight.

"S-Steve." Yelena mumbled, leaning against the railings for leverage. "You oka-okay?" She did not feel balanced on her heels at all.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm, uh, I'm alright." Steve replied.

"L-liar." She giggled and let go of the railing. Almost immediately, she stumbled to the side and wobbled around in her heels.

"Woah! Hey, hey, are you alright?" Steve steadied her by placing one hand on her waist and the other on her shoulder. Yelena got goosebumps when Steve's hand touched her waist, but in her head, she blamed it on the alcohol.

"Heels." She slurred a little. "They h-hurt."

"C'mere." Steve said, slowly guiding her so she was leant against the wall of the house before couching down and gently removing her heels from her feet. Yelena let out a loud moan at the relief of how free her feet felt. It was very satisfying. The noise made heat rise to Steve's cheeks and his eyes widen slightly. He was just glad it was dark. Yelena slowly slid her back down the wall, so she was at the same level as Steve, who was still crouched on the floor.

"I'm gonna go get you some water. Sober you up a little." Steve said, standing up.

"Y-you're gonna l-leave?" Yelena hiccuped.

"I'll be back before you can count to thirty." Steve said.

"Okay," Yelena shrugged. "But I'm-I'm warning you, I'm a f-fast counter." She slurred.

"I better be quick then." Steve said.

"O-one... two... thr-three... " She began counting very slowly. "Uh... eight... n-nine." She counted incorrectly, having lost track after three seconds, making Steve chuckle and shake his head as he went to go and get her some water.

When he returned, Yelena was still counting on the floor. Her head was lolling from side to side and her legs were criss-crossed.

"Eight, uh, eighteen... nineteen..." Yelena counted out loud, but when she saw Steve, she changed her mind. "Thi-thirty! You j-just made it, Harrington." She giggled.

"Phew, that was a close one." Steve chuckled, sitting on the floor besides her and handing her the water.

"S-so, what happened with Nancy?" Yelena asked and immediately noted how Steve's face dropped. "Sorry." She mumbled, feeling bad for asking.

"No, it's alright." Steve sighed. "She said that we killed Barb. That this is all bullshit. That I'm bullshit. That our relationship is bullshit. Basically everything is bullshit. Oh yeah, and she doesn't love me."

Yelena was quiet for a second. She was processing the information. You know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts. So was that actually true though? Did Nancy actually mean it?

"May-maybe it is bullshit." Yelena slurred.

"What?" Steve questioned, wondering if she'd heard him right.

"Maybe Nancy doesn't l-love you, an-and maybe you d-don't love Nancy. It c-could just be, l-like, your brain telling you th-that you're in love and all, b-but really you j-just want someone t-to love. Just, like, sticking in y-your comfort zone." She shrugged, taking a sip of water. "Y-you're, like, in l-love, but n-not with Nancy. You're in l-love with th-the idea o-of love."

In her drunken head, she was just rambling and she hadn't a clue what she was talking about, but her words made sense. They struck Steve. More than he'd care to admit. He stayed quiet to think about what she'd just said for a moment.

"Huh." Steve finally said after a minute. "You're, uh, you're actually kinda wise when you're drunk."

"Like a wizard! I'd be a pretty cool wizard." She giggled.

"Yeah, you would." Steve chuckled and Yelena looked up at him, tilting her head.

"Keep your chin up, Stevie." She grinned and Steve burst out laughing, shaking his head in amusement at her drunken comforting words. The pair sat in a comfortable silence for a minute after Steve had finished chuckling.

"Hey, Steve?" Yelena whispered. She didn't know why she whispered it.

"Yeah?" He whispered back, matching the energy.

"I think there's been an anemne... amenme... adenme..." Yelena attempted to say a word.

"Amendment?" Steve questioned, hoping it was the right word.

"That's the one." Yelena giggled, letting her head flop onto his shoulder.

"Amendments in what?" Steve asked.

"I-I think that we could be friends." She mumbled.

"Wait, seriously? Is that, like, the step up from acquaintances?" Steve asked in surprise.

"Exactly. You're making pr-progress, King Steve." She said, patting his chest with a giggle and began feeling her eyes growing heavy. Steve looked down at her and noticed her droopy eyelids.

"I think it's time I got you home." Steve said, starting to get up. Yelena groaned, but let Steve guide her to her feet anyway. He picked up her heels in one hand and securely wrapped his other arm around her waist. Yelena's arm was draped over Steve's shoulders and she disorientedly placed her other hand over Steve's hand on her waist. They bustled through the crowd of teens and out the front door towards Steve's car. He managed to open the passenger door and manoeuvre Yelena inside, strapping her seatbelt over her.

"Comfy?" Steve asked. Yelena's eyes were closed but she looked up at him and nodded with a smile on her face anyway. Steve chuckled and walked around to the drivers side and hopped inside. He let out a sigh looking over at Yelena. She gave him butterflies.

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