Things Left Unsaid

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Thrack throws another log on the fire as Kadlin looks to Alan. "Na need to tell 'em what happenin tha geode. Let 'em use their imaginations babe." She gives him wink and a smirk. 

Rina rolls her eyes. "You both fucking know that you didn't do shit! You're a fucking demon and he's a fucking human mortal and if you kiss or fuck him you steal his essence and kill the shit out of him and his essence is so Gaia-damned strong it will pop you like a slutty balloon and that's why you two never fucking did the nasty cause you will both fucking die and I will laugh my sexy ass off!" Alan and Kadlin smirk at each other and both let out a chuckle like they are hiding something dirty. Rina's eyes get huge as she points her finger to Alan, then Kadlin and back to Alan. "If you two fucking did it and didn't tell fucking me I will personally choke you to death with your own fucking entrails!" Alan winks to Kadlin and she lets out a giggle like a little schoolgirl who just got caught doing something naughty. Rina gets furious. "H-h-how the fuck did you two get down?! Details now or I start throwing a fucking hissy fit that will make Coatlicue on her period seem like a puppy sleeping on Gaia-damned cotton balls!" 

"Calm down Rina." interrupts Morothoth. "Our goal is to share this tale with Robert, not bicker over whom mated whom." 

Robert calmly raises his hand. "I do have some questions if we have time." The dragon looks to Robert. "So, there are guns and robots here?" 

Morothoth starts to speak while Rina gives a viciously angry look to Alan and Kadlin. "The Technomancers use magically created base energy to power their weapons and machinery. Think of it like powering machines with magic rather than electricity or combustion. The 'guns' as you call them simply use base energy to propel an object at high speed, giving a regular person the ability to use a magic-powered weapon. The standard ammo of the Technomancers is blue spinel shards due to its hardness and commonality in the mountains around Elminak. Perhaps I should tell you about base energy while on the subject. Base energy is what is left when you break all matter and energy down as far as it will go within the laws of this universe. Thrack is one of the most skilled manipulators of it on the whole of Gaia if you did not know." Morothoth pauses a moment to take a sip from his flask made of platinum and ruby. "What other questions do you have?" 

Robert abruptly stops and looks around the woods, swearing he heard something. After a moment he returns his attention to Morothoth. "What did Alan mean when he said 'adjust to the physics'?" 

"Very good question!" Morothoth adjusts in his beanbag chair and locks eyes with Robert. "Each existence has different physics. A lot of the natural existences are close to each other or operate in similar ways. In the Void however, each entity creates each reality on their own and that includes the physics. As an example, I know Hanbi likes his gravity at about one point three nine seven times this Earths. Things like air density, shape of the world, the speed of light and many other factors are controlled by the creator. Also, there is no rotation there like here and you would be amazed how much that can affect things. Oh, and the creator of the dimension can change these factors at will." 

Alan looks over. "Oh, that reminds me, Hanbi changed the gravity to one point four six three times Earths. Not sure why, and I didn't ask." 

"Very good to know." Morothoth makes a mental note. "So, any more questions Robert?" 

Robert looks up for a second to think. "Um, how did Kadlin absorb the axe then pull it out again?"

 Kadlin takes her eyes off of Alan for a moment to explain. "Those of us who use weapons keep em inside our forms makin weapons more extensions of our essence than an object we own." She twirls her hand, and the axe comes out. After a grin, she twirls her hand again and it reabsorbs into her. "See? Just like that! An ya can acquire weapons an merge em with ya. My axe, Jalnir, was a gift from Tyr on me first birthday an is made from tha same stuff as Thor's hammer. Well, his first hammer." Alan cackles softly earning him a wicked glare from Kadlin. "Shut it babe." 

Robert looks at her mighty impressed though curious about the Alan cackle. This place was far more complex than he anticipated. Curious about one more thing, he raises his hand again. "Oh yeah, what is the counsel?" 

As Rina lets out a huff, Morothoth lets out a fiery chuckle. "Funny you ask. The next part has much to do with them..." 

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