Your Turn

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In a flash, the book is removed from the table. You look to the Seer and it is smiling. Suddenly it moves and puts the tome on a seemingly random stack. You sit awaiting the next book while the sun starts to set. Without word, the Seer motions you to follow as it moves into the next room. You slowly rise and move carefully into the next room and find the room somehow changed into a bedroom. The Seer sits in a chair next to the bed. It motions you over, so you carefully make your way to the bed. 

As you start to relax, the Seer says "You now know what you need to know. For the next part anyway. Tomorrow, I will show you adventures. Many stories I must show you before I share the end with you. You are listening very well and reading very well. I am pleased." It pauses and its eyes roll into the back of its head. It says like that for a long moment. You are just about to ask if it is alright when the Seer's eyes snap back and it says "I cannot find a book with your details inside. I do miss things from time to time, or I don't know the event is important in the moment. You must be important for them to send you here. If you are important then I must write about you." It scoots the chair closer to you as the bed changes to fit your form. "I have some things I need to know about you. Who are you? What are you? Why did they think you important enough to send you here?"

Mercenaries of the Gods: Chronicle One - StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now