Sorbet and Byzokoa

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Morothoth sets another empty bottle on the table. "And the empty bottle is a cue that it is time end the stories for the night." 

The crowd of nearly fifty all shout and groan in protest. From the unhappy chorus, Rina yells "You know I fucking love the shit out of you dragon face but I will corncob the shit out of you if you fucking leave the story there cause that's more fucked up than a fucking herd of elephants gangbanging an orphaned baby seal." The crowd pauses and gives Rina a 'what the fuck is wrong with you' look that she is more than used to by now. 

Morothoth slowly stands to the objections of all. "Fear not. Tomorrow, at about the same time, I shall continue the story." His words are met with more groans. "You all honored me with your attention, and I bid you all a good night." As Mororthoth moves away from the table, the disgruntled crowd slowly begins to disband. Morothoth goes to check on Thrack again as Rina continues to hound him over not finishing the story for her. 

The sun begins to rise the next morning over the Grand Canyon. Kadlin sits alone in the dining hall, sipping on her usual bowl of chili lime human essence. As the first rays of sun strike her white skin, her eyes lift to take in the wonder of the sight. Her ebony tail gently sways from side to side. From the corner of her eye, she catches a few humans staring at her. Putting on her sexiest face, she seductively turns her purple beauties to them, smirks and blows them a teasing, and very threatening, kiss. They all blush and turn away embarrassed. With a big smile, she turns back to her food. After finishing her bowl, her mind turns to dessert. As she picks between pomegranate sorbet and strawberries and cream flavored tortured screams they just added to the menu, Alan walks through the door. Their eyes meet instantly as Kadlin says seductively to herself "I'll have me some of that." With a massive smile Alan goes straight to her and takes a seat on her left. His arm goes around her waist as her head falls on his shoulder, interlocking like two pieces of an unexpectedly perfect puzzle. Both their eyes turn to the sun rise. 

 After some time, Alan orders Eggs Benedict and a tall glass of byzokoa. After ordering the pomegranate sorbet, Kadlin takes a tiny nip from his neck. Alan looks to her with lustful eyes. "Is that your sexy ass way of asking for a nice, hard spanking?" 

Biting her lip, she leans in very close. In her sexiest voice, she nibbles his ear while whispering "While a spankin does sound like a lot of fun babe, I'd rather suck somthin of yas that isn't ya soul." 

Alan looks at her with fake surprise. Very sarcastically, he puts his hand on her forehead. "You feeling sick today baby? You never turn down a spanking." 

She lets loose her sexy laugh and gives Alan a playful slap on the leg. They both enjoy each other's embrace and the view till their food arrives. Kadlin takes small spoonfuls of sorbet, very accustomed to eating while her head rests on his shoulder. Alan's Eggs Benedict prove a bit more of a challenge. After a few failed attempts to eat without moving his arm off her waist, Kadlin laughs. "Ya know ya can take ya hand off me babe. I promise I'm not goin anywhere." Alan grins as he raises his free hand. With a flick of his wrist, he cuts his meal into bite sized pieces with one of his many powers. Kadlin laughs again after, swallowing a bit of sorbet. "Or that." 

The servers eye stalks glare at them. With the powerful scowl of her race, she shouts "Hey! You two know the rules! No powers at the damn tables! Geesh." 

"Sorry, sorry. My bad." Alan says with a chuckle. The server lets out a disgruntled sigh and scuttles over to the next table. 

After sharing a stealthy laugh, Kadlin and Alan enjoy their food as one. After breakfast they get up and make their way to the main hall for a drink. After a short debate they decide on single malt scotch, and both order a double. Slowly sipping their drinks at a table, they keep their torturous flirting at a high level. An hour or so passes and they treasure their unique bliss. The bliss is shattered when a certain grass elemental shows up and sits across form them. "You fuckers see Morothoth today?" 

Alan laughs as Kadlin replies "An good mornin ta ya ta! We haven't seen him yet today, honey." Rina frowns and grabs Alan's scotch. She slams it and shouts "Fucking shit puddle of Sterquilinus!" She grabs Kadlin's scotch and slams it. Rina looks around almost frantically for more booze to drink as she cries "I wanted more fucking story and he was telling a good ass story about dragons and shit and got me all excited!" 

Alan and Kadlin both give her a dirty look. Kadlin says with a bit of disdain in her voice "Ya know ya don't shoot scotch right? Especially good scotch belongin ta us." 

With a huff, Rina rolls her eyes. "And you fucking know how fucking pissy I get when I don't get my fucking morning drinks and I fucking know you two have lots of Gaia-damned money and shit and I want the rest of dragon face's fucking story so I am all fucking pissed off!" 

Alan looks over at the bartender while his fingers play over Kadlin's curves. He orders a few bottles of something you can shoot. Around the time the bottles are placed on the table, Grania makes her way from the back rooms, walks over and takes a very careful seat next to Rina. She winces in pain when her butt falls upon the chair. Her face turns beet red and Kadlin and Alan smirk. "Still a bit tender sweety?" Kadlin says with a cocky tone. 

Grania lowers her head. With a smile, she playfully says "Ummmmm, yes Mistress. But I kinda like the reminder." 

"Good girl." Kadlin smiles as she looks to what is hers. "An ya don't have ta call me Mistress out here sweety." 

While pouring a shot, Rina laughs and puts her arm around Grania. "You know you're really fucked cause now that you're their fucking play toy and means they fucking own your ass!" 

Grania looks at Rina, a little confused. "You say that like it's, umm, a bad thing." 

The table pauses to look at Grania as she blushes again. With a smile on her face, Rina slams her shot. More shots are taken, and they start talking about a wide range of topics. A few hours pass on another slow day at HQ. A few familiar faces are seen. Zaidu stops by and says hi for a moment. Technotuar shows off his new gun to Alan and flirts a little with Grania. Several mercenaries ask where Morothoth is and if he will continue the story. More and more empty bottles gather on the table. When the sun hits noon Alan reluctantly removes his arm from the sexy waist of Kadlin. With a bit of annoyance in his words, he says "Well ladies, as much fun as this is, I need to go to the Void and pickup Squeaks." 

With a quivering lip, Kadlin gives him a sad and longing look. "Awwww baby. Can't ya wait a bit longer?" 

Alan gazes into those beautiful purple eyes of hers. "I don't want to go, but Pod 'Yilfnk gets really bitchy when I am late. Not that she's not just bitchy around me all the time. Besides, it shouldn't take long." She smirks and whispers something into his ear before she hesitantly takes her head off his shoulder. He slowly stands eyes still locked on her. With a dirty smirk, he replies "Actually babe, I was planning on doing that twice when I get back." 

He gives his Kadlin a wink and says goodbye to Rina and Grania who are whispering like two high-school girls. A hole of infinite blackness opens below Alan, and he falls through existence. The hole closes as quickly as it opened and there is a moment of quiet. After slamming a shot, Rina shouts "Where the fuck is Morothoth cause I need more fucking story now!" 

"He must be off doin dragon stuff again." Kadlin takes a shot. "Remember when he vanished for like three years without tellin any of us?" 

Rina grabs a bottle and takes a gulp. "Yeah I fucking do and we found out his dragon ass was fucking visiting an old ass friend and he just got fucking caught up in conversation and fucking lost track of time and shit or that was his story." She takes another gulp then wipes her mouth. "I still say hewas fucking tappin some of that sexy dragon ass!" 

A rather sober Grania looks down, feeling a little left out. "I wish I had, ummmm, a good story. My life isn't very interesting." 

They both give her a confused look. Kadlin winks at her and says "Ya survived tha siege of Elminak an a strike from me man. Now ya work for tha Mercenaries Guild as an interrogator. Ya also became tha good little play thin of a sexy succubus. Ya are workin on ya story sweety!" 

Grania smiles as Rina slides her a shot. She slams it, makes a face like it burns, then looks at Kadlin. "But I know you have, ummmm, a better story than me even if I don't know it." 

With an angry huff, Rina rolls her eyes and then starts to cuss up a storm. Ignoring Rina, Kadlin pours herself a shot. "Well sweety, I can change that..."

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