Time to Throw Down

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The fire is little more than embers as the sun peaks over the horizon. As the wall of light races over the ground at them, Zaidu smiles. "Seems like parties common in stories of you guys." 

"No shit!" Rina shouts as her bottle reaches the end. "When you do crazy fucking like this all the Gaia-damned time you got to party or you will go fucking insane and not like the fucking insane that we are all now cause it's more like using your dead friends shin bone as a fucking dildo kind of insane." 

There is a pause and Zaidu gives Rina the now common 'what the fuck is wrong with you' look. Morothoth rises to his feet and rapidly changes the subject. "I suppose the festivities are at an end. It is time to slay a Dragon Goddess." 

Rina squeaks in excitement before tossing the empty bottle to the side. "I am so fucking excited cause I love killing Gods almost as much as I love drinking!" 

Everyone else stands as Alan extinguishes the fire with a small move of his hand. Zaidu looks over to Morothoth and, with a smile, says "So she is your fault!" 

"Fuck you too ass hat!" snarks Rina. Morothoth replies letting loose a mighty laugh. The group spend the next few minutes breaking down the camp. One would expect the tension level to be high considering what awaits them, but they are all very relaxed. After the camp is deconstructed, they get information and wait to confront Tiamat and her army. 

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