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Dagger demon, the other family. A person with a black suit knocked on a door and entered the room after hearing a "come in." He bowed to the person who is sitting on a big brown chair decorated with golden lines on the edges. "Sir, Sam talked to the France shareholders about joining hands with us." The person who is sitting on the chair smirked evilly. "Fantastic, let's see what will the Black Spider family will do." Kim Seo Hyung, the current Dagger Demons head said while lighting up his cigar.

Kim Seo Hyung :

In another place:

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In another place:

Splashing of water can be heard, where a person is swimming back and forth in rapid moments. Suddenly he stops summing and dunks down under the water holding his breath with his eyes open.

After a few minutes, he comes up with a big gasp and swims towards the end, pulling himself out of the water. "Time?" He asks the person who has a stopwatch with him " 14 minutes 32 seconds and 26 milliseconds " Disappointment was evident on his face. He taught he stayed for a longer time. He threw the towel that he was using to wipe his face and went to the bathroom for a quick shower.

He came out with a towel around his neck after his shower and begin packing his stuff in his bag "hey" a girl came to him "for you" she said while giving him a juice can. He looked at the can, her face, and took the can "thanks" and started drinking, while the girl checks him out, playing with her hair.

"My name is Chara," she said while extending her hand. He gave the girl his attention "Seokjin" said while shaking her hand. "I forgot to bring my car today, can you drop me home?" She said closing the gap between them with a flirting tone. With a small smile, Seokjin said "sorry I don't have a car", wore his shirt, and started walking away "we can walk or take public transport if you want" Seokjin let out a chuckle, turned towards the girl "get the hint girl" and went out while the girl made a frustrated noise.

Seokjin made his way toward the parking lot and opened his car door, threw his bag in the back seat, and went towards the driving seat, closed the door. "Wanna easy something?" He asked the person sitting beside him while driving his car out of the parking lot. "No," the person said in a plain voice. "Oh come on hobi what are you sulking about now"  " I don't sulk, " Hoseok said while looking outside. "Yeah right."

Seokjin said with a sarcastic voice. "What is it?" Seokjin tried again. With a sigh, Hoseok said, "why are you hiding it?" Seokjin looked at hoseok with a confused face "what am I hiding" "Seokjin stop pretending that you ate fine when you are not. I didn't forget that today is your mother's death anniversary."  Seokjin stopped his car to the side "crying every year will not bring her back." Seokjin said with no emotions on his face or voice. Hoseok's shoulders dropped listening to seokjin's voice "but Jin-" "enough now hobi, I am hungry let's find something to eat." Seokjin stopped hoseok with a pleasing voice which made hoseok give up on the conversation "fine, but you are paying "

Soon seokjin stopped near a cafe and went in "hobi go and find a seat, I will go and order." Seokjin said while entering the cafe " How can I let you order. You go and find the seat and let me order." Seokjin went to find a place to sit while shaking his head.

Hoseok went to order "Hello Sir what can I get for you,"  A guy behind the counter asked with a set smile "Two cheeseburgers and two cold Americano" "okay Sir that would be a total of 1220 ₩. "  The guy said while looking at the screen. Hoseok paid with
Seokjin's card took the order and went to the place where seokjin is sitting near the window.

They both started eating peacefully. "Hobi I need to go somewhere you can finish off and go back." "Ooh?" Hoseok looked up with his cheeks puffed with food, " what should I tell yoongi, you know he will keep on bugging me about your whereabouts" " no need to tell him anything." Seokjin said while getting up from his seat. Hoseok looked at seokjin who started and drove the car. He made a quick note of the turn that seokjin took, just in case.

Seokjin came to a halt and saw the board, dropping his head on the wheel with his hand's still on the wheel, and sighed. After a few moments seokjin opened his car and made his way toward the destination. Soon he came to a halt " Hi mom." He said while staring at his mother's tombstone. "Sorry mom I didn't bring you any flowers, since I didn't want to visit," he said while looking down with a sad face. Suddenly some flowers appeared in front of him. He looked at the flowers and the owner who is offering them "thought you will need them." Seokjin took the flowers and kept rhythm on the tombstone. The guy who offered the flowers stayed with seokjin giving some space for seokjin.

After a while, seokjin and the man made their way toward the car. Seokjin unlocked his car and was about to open the door but the guy stopped "I will drive" he said. Seokjin gave the keys and set in the passenger's seat while the guy say in the driver's seat and started driving "how did you know I was here." Seokjin asked, "I called hoseok he said that you had some work and without giving much info and it wasn't tough where you will be knowing what day it is." He said. "I am not a kid yoongi. You don't have to take care of me."  Seokjin while leaning his head toward the window glass " Then stop behaving like one " after a pause " Seokjin you know you cannot just go around like this " Seokjin remained silent. Yoongi gave a side look to seokjin and continued driving.

What do you guys think about seokjin's character 🤔 ??

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