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Taehyung knocked on the door "come in" a faint sound was heard. As soon as Taehyung entered Mr. Jeon (Jeon Kyung Ho) stood up from his seat and went to hug his son with a fatherly smile, and Taehyung returned it with the same warmth.

"Come in son have a drink," Mr. Jeon said while leading Taehyung towards his table which is near the large window with two chairs, "No dad I have some practice after this" Taehyung said while taking his seat "oh my boy is all grown up huh? "Mr. Jeon said while pouring a drink for himself "did you talk to Jungkook?" "About what?" Taehyung asked with a confused face. "You know about joining the business," Mr. Jeon said while taking a sip "Dad you know how he is, once he decides something it is not that easy to change him," Taehyung said while eating the chips.

Mr. Jeon sighed "This brat will never listen," said while shaking his head. "So, what about you tae? I heard you brought someone home. This is the first time I am seeing you bring someone home." Mr. Jeon said with a teasing voice. "Enough dad, it's nothing I.... just find him cute."

Taehyung said imagining Jimin's small eyes, biteable cheeks, and at last his lip- "cute huh?" "Stop it, dad, if there is nothing else excuse me, I have to practice" "okay okay you can go" Taehyung stood and went towards his shooting area with a small smile on his face.

In Dagger Demon Mansion:

A man came running toward Mr. Kim (Kim Seo Hyung) who was feeding his fish in a pond. The person bowed "Sir, Taehyung found out about Sam and killed him" he said with a frightening voice.

Mr. Kim's face instantly changed from calm to anger he threw the food which he was feeding the fish and shouted with frustration and anger. "Get out !!" Every bodyguard standing there went out except one, Mr. Kim's bodyguard, he went near Mr. Kim and said "Sir, Taehyung brought a person to his mansion. His name is Jimin, he works as a waiter and runs a flower shop, no guardian."

Mr. Kim's face showed annoyance "What is the relation between them?" "don't know sir, but Jimin saw Taehyung killing Sam" Mr. Kim looked at his guard "do you think Jeon Taehyung is stupid enough to bring an unknown person to his mansion just because this person saw him killing Sam" "No sir but if he did, then this 'Jimin' guy must be important" Mr. Kim taught for a second "find everything about this Jimin" he ordered.

After leaving Seokjin's house Jungkook went to a bar to ease his heart. Yugyeom Jungkook's best friend shows his hand. Jungkook goes there and took his seat with Yugyeom and Mingyu. "Looks like you got rejected again," Mingyu said while handing the drink to Jungkook "why is it so hard to make him believe me," Jungkook said and drank the whole liquid in one go. "Well, you guys didn't have a good start," Yugyeom said sipping his drink.

Yugyeom orders more drinks. The waiter added some transparent liquid to Jungkook's drink. After a few drinks and talking. Jungkook's vision started to blur. He taught maybe he had in taken a lot of alcohol. The three decided to go home. Jungkook was about to sit on his bike when a car stopped beside him, a guy lowered his glass window and aimed his gun.

Jungkook quickly throw the helmet which is in his hand and ran as he was not in the position to fight. The guys in the car started chasing Jungkook, leaving their cars.

A total of 5 people were chasing Jungkook with their guns. Jungkook because of the drug, hid behind a big garbage can. He took his phone out "Hyung, I am being attacked. I will send my live location- "but before he could complete his sentence, a guy pointed the gun at Jungkook's head.

Jungkook stood up with his arms up and kicked the gun in the person's hand. Before the person could react Jungkook turned and kicked the person in the jaw and fell because he lost his balance due to which his phone got broken.

Before Jungkook can think of a way to send his location to his Hyung, a bullet hit Jungkook's forearm. He quickly holds his injured arm and ran while the people ran behind Jungkook, firing bullets which Jungkook dodged with difficulty.

Jungkook can't run fastly so he took many turns to increase the distance between them and hid behind the wall. The guys who were chasing Jungkook came to a halt as they missed him.

They split into two and went to the opposite sides. Jungkook who was hiding saw that they split into two groups and one group is coming his way. So, he started planning out how to kill them with his injured arm and messed-up body. But before Jungkook could show up Taehyung along with his bodyguards came and shot them "Jungkook !!" Taehyung saw Jungkook with a bleeding arm and strength less Jungkook who was leaning on to the wall for support, Taehyung ran towards him and checked for any other injuries.

"Hyung I am okay," Jungkook said with a pained voice as he was losing a lot of blood "how many times did I tell you to bring your bodyguards with you or at least carry a gun you idiot" Taehyung scolded Jungkook and took him towards the car to take Jungkook to the hospital. The other two guys who were chasing Jungkook saw the whole scene and escaped from there to inform their boss.

Thank you all for 2.2K reads for 'I'm ready to let go'🤗

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