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Hoseok and Yoongi made their way toward 'Owl's Club'. They saw Jungkook drinking alone with red eyes. They went near Jungkook and sat beside him.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi "Why are you here? Oh let me guess Seokjin sent you to check how miserable I am right? Jungkook said with red and swollen eyes.

He was not drunk he was hurt, hurt so badly. "Junkook you have to listen to us," Hoseok said "What more is there to listen huh? Is there anything more that bastard has left to do?"  Jungkook shouted at Hoseok "Enough Junkook!" Yoongi who was quiet this whole time shouted at Jungkook "You have no idea what you are talking about" Jungkook scoffed "Why? Why are you so angry? Oh because I cursed your friend? huh? He might be a friend to you but in my eyes, he is just a bastard. A bastard who will do anything just to please his goddamn father." Yoongi had enough of Jungkook's talk and punched him in his face "Yoongi!!" Hoseok ran towards Yoongi and hold him back because Yoongi looked like he would kill Jungkook. "Don't talk shit about Seokjin if don't know a damn about him. Because of you, he is in jail right now!!" Yoongi shouted "What?.. What did you say..?"  Jungkook asked while wiping blood off his lips. 

After the fight, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook sat down in a calm place "Why is Seokjin in jail?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi sighed "Seokjin never lied to you Jungkook. Whatever he told you, about his past was all true. After his mother died Mr.Kim took Seokjin in, not because he loved him but because he didn't want anyone to know that he had Seokjin with some other women and married another woman for money. But on the other hand, Seokjin was happy as he thought he would get the love of his father that his mother used to mention every day. When he first entered Mr.Kim's house he was shocked by how big the mansion was." 


Seokjin was given his room, he felt like all the good things are going to happen and he was so happy but he still missed his mother a lot.

After a few days of staying in the mansion, Mr.Kim started limiting Seokjin but keeping rules and the first rule was he should never mention his mother's name. He was trained to fight with adults who are 10 times his size and strength and Mr.Kim would always say disappointing words.

Seokjin would always go to sleep with wounds all over his body. Mr.Kim also restricted his diet. While Mr.Kim was treating Seokjin worst than a slave, Seokjin was happy that he could at least stay with his father. 

Soon enough Mr.Kim and Ms.Kim had a daughter and Seokjin was over the moon when he found that he is a big brother now. He used to take care of her every day and play with her.

Few years after the birth of the baby girl Ms.Kim died due to complications while giving birth to her daughter.

Seokjin took care of her sister and trained hard to make his father proud. The only support he got is from Yoongi. Yoongi is the son of the chief bodyguard. Mr.Kim ordered Yoongi's father to let Yoongi keep an eye on Seokjin.

Yoongi instead of spying on Seokjin became close to Seokjin as they both shared the same pain, of losing their mother. 

Seokjin was waiting in the yard for Yoongi for a one-on-one battle. Seokjin heard footsteps "You are late Yoongs," Seokjin said. "Seokjin" Yoongi called out. "Why? What happened ?" Seokjin asked while turning around to face Yoongi "Mr.Kim wants to give you a mission" Yoongi said worried about Seokjin.

"What mission?" Seokjin asked curious and happy that his father finally acknowledged him "It's not an easy one. To be honest it's not even a mission Seokjin. It's more like a trap to get rid of you" Yoongi said "What are talking Yoongi? Why would my father do such a thing?" Seokjin said chuckling. "I am serious Jin. The mission is to go to 'webtech's'(another gang who was going to support Black Spider's gang) mansion and steal the documents which cost billions."

Seokjin thought for some time 'If I don't go now father will try to sell Sihyeon(Seokjin's sister)  to them and make a deal. I can't risk Sihyeon's life she is still a kid'  "What are thinking about Seokjin? Don't even dare to say yes. It's like a suicide mission Seokjin!" Yoongi warned Seokjin. "Yoongi you know I can't do that. I have to do this to save Sihyeon. I promised Ms.Kim that I would protect her with my life." Seokjin said, "don't be stupid Seokjin we can run away we will take Sihyeon with us she will be safe." Yoongi tried to convince Seokjin. "Yoongi we can't do that father will find us. If not father other gangs who are waiting for a chance will attack us we can't risk my sister's life, as long as I do what father tells me, Sihyeon will be fine." Seokjin argued with Yoongi and soon Yoongi realized it was a waste to argue with Seokjin and decided to join Seokjin.

"Yoongi you can't. I don't want you to risk your life" Seokjin said "If I can't stop you from going to the mission then you also can't stop me from going to the mission with you." Yoongi declared and went inside to collect the weapons. 

Soon Seokjin and Yoongi went on the mission. As excepted the mission was not easy at all. There were so many guards. And not to mention the place where the documents are kept, they were heavily guarded.

Seokjin looked at Yoongi "Yoongs I will distract them, you go and try to unlock the locker and look for the document." Before Yoongi can decline Seokjin started the plan. Seokjin ran towards the other side and made sure that he was seen by the guards and soon all the guards were after Seokjin.

Yoongi cursed and went towards the locker. Due to Seokjin's plan, Yoonig was able to get his hands on the document, but when Yoongi opened the file, and found it to be blank. Realization hit Yoongi, this was a trap set by Mr.Kim. He wanted to get rid of Seokjin as he was afraid that Seokjin will soon take over his gang.

Yoongi threw the file and went in search of Seokjin. He searched the whole mansion, but he couldn't find Seokjin or any guards. 

Yoongi heard fighting sounds from the back of the mansion. There he saw many guards fighting with Seokjin. He immediately ran towards them. By the time Yoongi reached the place, Seokjin was standing there alone with a gun in his hand and all the guards on the floor were unable to move and a few might be dead.

On the other hand, Seokjin looks tired, his shirt was drenched with blood, and Seokjin was having difficulty breathing properly. Yoongi went near Seokjin "Seokjin.." When Seokjin heard Yoongi's voice he turned around, with a small smile. "" Seokjin collapsed on the ground. 

Yoongi ran towards Seokjin who was now lying on the floor unconscious. Yoongi soon called the ambulance. Seokjin got admitted to the hospital.

The Doctors were trying their best there were so many wounds and bullets in Seokjin's body and Seokjin lost a lot of blood. Yoongi was waiting with tears in his eyes and blaming himself for Seokjin's situation.

Soon the doctors came out and told that Seokjin was out of danger. Even after the good news from the doctor, it took 4 days for Seokjin to gain confidence, because there was a lot of blood loss and Seokjin was underweight. During the period of Seokjin's stay, Mr.Kim didn's even bother to call or know about Seokjin's condition.

Hello guys, As the story/book is coming to an end I will try to update more frequently.

Thank you for all the love and support.😍🤗

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