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In Seokjin's house:

After taking a shower, Seokjin came out and went to his cupboard. He opened his cupboard and took the papers. He sat on his bed and started going through the papers that he stole from Mr. Jeon's mansion.


The time when Seokjin drove Jungkook to his mansion because Taehyung got hurt

After parking the car, Seokjin made a quick call to Yoongi: "Yoongi, I am in front of Mr. Jeon's mansion. I want to see the entire layout of the mansion right now and try to see if there are any secret rooms in the mansion. If there are any, decode the password and keep it ready. I will call you when I need them." Seokjin finished his call and went inside.

After talking to Jungkook's parents, they invited Seokjin to have dinner with them, which Seokjin accepted. In the middle of their dinner, Seokjin excused himself to the restroom. He quickly called Yoongi. "Yoongi, tell me where the secret room is." "Jin, there are many secret rooms. Every bedroom has a secret room," Yoongi replied while typing codes on his laptop. "Shit! We don't have that much time," Seokjin cursed.

"okay." "First, let's go to Mr. Jeon's room," Seokjin said. Yoongi then directed Seokjin toward Mr. Jeon's room. Seokjin entered the room and closed the door softly. He went straight to the secret room and stood in front of the door, which is protected by a pincode.

"Good, now tell me the code; we have to hurry," Seokjin said to Yoongi through Bluetooth. "Seokjin, I need a few seconds. The code is highly protected." Yoongi said, "Are you kidding me, Yoongi? I don't have enough time; we have to hurry the fuck up." Seokjin was getting impatient. "Got it," Yoongi said the pin code, and Seokjin finally opened the room.

The room was filled with the latest models of guns and a few files. Seokjin quickly made his way inside and saw a locker that had a digital password lock. Seokjin removed the keypad screen and connected the wires to his mobile, and Yoongi decoded the code and opened the locker. Seokjin immediately took the only file that was inside.

He was about to open the file when he heard Jungkook's voice. Seokjin took the papers out of the file and left the file in the locker. He quickly closed the locker, fixed the keypad screen, and left the room quickly.

He was about to go to the restroom side when "Jin" Jungkook called. Seokjin turned around. Jungkook looked to his left, where his father's room was located, and turned toward Seokjin, asking, "What are you doing here?" Seokjin made his way toward Jungkook.

"Jungkook. I heard a dog barking. So I wanted to see the dog." Seokjin replied, "Ahh... it is my brother's dog. My mom is allergic to dogs, so my brother never lets the dog inside the mansion. It stays outside." Jungkook explained to Seokjin and took him back to the dining area.

But in reality, he didn't hear any dogs barking. Seokjin wasn't stupid; he did his homework and got to know that Mrs. Jeon was allergic to dogs, but he didn't know that Taehyung brought one. But to his luck, while he was parking his car, he saw a dog house. Seokjin understood that there was a dog. That's how he escaped getting caught.


In Seokjin's house:

As Seokjin was going through the papers, he was confused. The papers seem worth less and at the same time the most valuable thing. Seokjin's phone vibrated, and 'Mr. Kim' was what appeared on his mobile's screen.

"Hello, father," Seokjin answered, "You dumbass, don't call me that." Seokjin sighed. "What happened to the plan? How much time are you going to take? You know tomorrow night Mr.Jeon is handing his position to Taehyung. We cannot make any more delays." Mr. Kim barked at Seokjin. "I got the file," Seokjin said, "finally your dumbasses can do some work properly." "But I don't think this file is that important." "What?! What do you know about business? You don't even know the basics. Now stop making things up and give the file to Woon In "(Mr. Kim's personal bodyguard). "But father, the content in the papers... it doesn't even cost 10,000 won." "Shut up. Don't make me come there and drag you. I won't repeat myself, Seokjin. And stop calling me 'father' it's embarrassing" Mr. Kim cut the call.

Seokjin looked at his phone and wondered when he would be able to call his father 'father' and when he would accept him. The doorbell rang. He went and opened the door and saw Woong In. Seokjin sighed and gave the file to him, then closed the door.

Seokjin went to his room and laid down on his bed. His phone rang, and Seokjin picked it up without looking at the caller ID. "Hello" "Hi Jin," Seokjin sat and looked at the caller ID, 'Jeon Jungkook.' "Jin...? jin??" "Oh..yeah Jungkook tell me" "Tonight there is going to be a party in our house." 'Party?? Oh yeah, Taehyung's Seokjin thought to himself. "And you must come to the party. I will come and pick you up, okay?" Seokjin bitted his lip "Jungkook, I don't think I can make it." "Why? What happened? Are you alright?" Jungkook asked with a concerned voice, which made Seokjin's eyes teary. 'Why Jungkook? Why do you love me so much, and why does fate have to do this to us?'

"Jin?!" "No. I just have a light headache." "just stay in the bed. I will come to you." "No, don't. This is a special party for your family. You should be there with them." "But Jin..." "Don't worry, Jungkook. After a quick nap, I will be alright." Jungkook sighed "Okay Tacke care of yourself. I will be there as soon as the party is over" Jungkook was about to cut the call.

"I love you, Jungkook," Seokjin blurred out. Jungkook smiled and said, "I love you too, baby. Now don't miss me too much and go to sleep. I will be in front of you when you open your eyes," Jungkook said and cut the call. 'I hope so too Jungkook' Seokjin clinched the phone near to his chest and curled into a ball on the bed with tears rolling down his face.

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