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Seokjin's house:

Seokjin was sitting on his bed going through the files with a serious face. No matter how many times he re-read the files he was not able to convince himself to do his job, but jin being jin tried to force himself. Suddenly his doorbell rang, Seokjin looked at the time and wondered who would be ringing his doorbell this late. He closed all his files, notes, and his bedroom door and went to open the door.

When Seokjin opened the door he was surprised "Jungkook?!, what are you doing here?" Seokjin asked Jungkook "jinnie~~" Jungkook called out to Seokjin with a smile on his red face and a sweet voice "my jinnie ~~"  Jungkook went towards Seokjin and hugged him while resting his head on Seokjin's shoulder. "Jungkook are you drunk?"  Seokjin asked while trying to hold Jungkook who couldn't even stand properly without support. "No~~ just a little" Jungkook said while giggling. Seokjin sighed and took Juhngkook to the other bedroom with lots of difficulties.

Seokjin threw Jungkook on the bed, removed his shoes and socks, and covered him with a blanket. Seokjin looked at Jungkook who was deeply asleep he went near Jungkook's face with a small smile he traced Jungkook's face and stooped near his lips. Seokjin kept staring at Jungkook's face especially the mole under his lips "What are you doing to me Jeon Jungkook." Seokjin said while having teary eyes and left Jungkook's room to sleep in his room.

The next morning when Jungkook woke up he was confused about where he was, then realization hit him, he was in Seojin's house.

Jungkook got off the bed and went to the kitchen where Seokjin was cooking Jungkook smirked and tiptoed towards Seokjin, but before he could go any further Seokjin suddenly turned and pointed the knife towards Jungkook. "Oh Jungkook, I am so sorry. I thought some thief came" for a split second when Seokjin pointed his knife toward Jungkook, Jungkook felt Seokjin was an assassin, the way he hold the knife, his reflexes, and especially his killer expression "Jungkook?" Jungkook came out of his thoughts "Yeah?"  "You okay?" Seokjin asked Jungkook with a concerned face.

Jungkook relaxed and said "yeah, I am okay, in fact-" Jungkook came near Seokjin and wrapped his arm around Seokjin's waist  "I am more than okay" Seokjin placed his hands on Jungkook's chest "would you like to have breakfast with me, Mr. Jeon ?"  Seokjin asked with a small smile on his face and in a low voice. "I would love to" Jungkook said licking his lips while looking at Seokjin's lips. Seokjin moved forward and kissed Jungkook before Jungkook can deepen the kiss Seokjin pulled away "Let's have real food Jungkook, I am hungry" Seokjin said to which Jungkook groan. Seokjin smiled, took Jungkook's hand, and made him sit on the chair. Soon enough they both started eating, mostly kissing together.

Taehyung's mansion:

After cuddling in the bed Jimin and Taehyung got hungry, so Taehyung told Jimin to take a shower. After showering, Jimin came out and wore on Taehyung's shirt and a boxer, and went down.

Jimin stopped near the kitchen door and saw that Taehyung was cooking food for him. He tip-toed to scare Taehyung and hugged Taehyung from the back suddenly. Taehyung smiled softly. "Why are you not scared or surprised?" Taehyung turned to face Jimin " I am a mafia boss Jimin I have to be alert all the time," Taehyung said while caressing Jimin's hair, to which Jimin pouted. "Come on let's eat the food will get cold," Taehyung said and Jimin nodded like a good boy.

While jinkook and vmin couples are having their own sweet moments someone was not quite happy and wanted to spoil it as soon as possible that is none other than Kim Seo Hyung (if you don't remember he is the leader of Dagger Demon).

He called someone "I want them both dead within two days or else you won't be alive. I have already sent their photos and money. BE quick."  He cut the call, 'let's see what will happen to Balck Spider now' he thought to himself and laughed out loud.

Sorry for the delay guys. I was stuck with some work. As an apology, there will be a double update. Hope you guys are enjoying the story.

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