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In an apartment :

The Sun rose to wake the person who is sleeping with his plush toy. The person groaned while rubbing his eyes with his hands. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. He got ready and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself. After having his breakfast he went out to his flower shop.

Soon, people started to come and get flowers, some for their beloved family some for their girlfriends/boyfriends, and so on.

"Jimin!!!" a person came with a roar. The said person flinched and quickly went near the person who was looking at him with an annoyed face. "How many days are you going to stay in my house without paying huh? "

"Sorry, Sir I will pay you as soon as possible" Jimin said with an embarrassed voice "soon? when? I want it right now or else take your luggage and leave," the person said with an angry voice which started attracting people's attention " please sir give me two days I will pay the rent, until then" Jimin started taking money from his pockets "keep this," Jimin said while keeping the money on the owner's hand. The owner looked at the money " this is not even half" and threw the money at Jimin's face "you are moving out of my house right now or else I am going to call the police" The owner said and walked away from there.

Jimin's shoulder dropped, he went to the house and packed his stuff, there weren't many things to be packed as he didn't even have that much money to buy anything in the first place.

Jimin decided to stay in his shop for the night and search for a new house tomorrow. This shop was given to him by his grandfather. Jimin didn't even know what his parents look like, his mother and father met in an accident his mother died on spot but his father was severely injured, and they admitted him to a hospital. Jimin's grandfather spend a lot of money on the treatment but in the end, Jimin's father also left him. Due to the heavy hospital bills and the loans jimin's grandfather had to remove every evidence related to jimin's parents. Later on, jimin's grandfather worked very hard and paid off the loans but due to the heavy works, he died, and again jimin was left alone with the shop that his grandfather treasured a lot.

In Black Spider Mansion :

After Taehyung's practice, he went upstairs using the lift with one hand induce his pocket. He heard noises from a room and went to that side. There he saw his brother Jeon Jungkook practicing voicing with his coach. Taehyung went near and took the boxing pads from the coach. The coach gave him the pads, bowed, and left.

Taehyung signaled jungkook to hit. After some time they both exhausted themselves and lay on the floor. "Jungkook you have to come with me to meet a friend," Taehyung said while looking at the ceiling. "Hyung is this 'friend' of your name Sam" Taehyung looked at jungkook with a surprised and confused face.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and said, "hyung I am not interested doesn't mean I don't know what is going on." Taehyung chuckled softly and sat up "So you are coming?" "Depends on what you are going to do with him," jungkook said "things you like," Taehyung said while standing up and giving his hand to junkook, which junkook took. "Get ready," Taehyung said while waking away.

Junkook took a shower and came out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel on his head. His phone dinged indicating a message from Yugyeom, bestfriend of jungkook. His father does a jewelry business.

Jungkook opened his phone and his eyes almost came out of his sockets when he saw a photo attached. Soon his surprised face was replaced with anger. He quickly got dressed and went down where he saw his brother waiting for him, it strikes to him that he has to go with his brother. He went near Taehyung " ready to go? " Taehyung stated moving " hyung" Taehyung turned towards jungkook with a questionable face "umm..... Can you go without me? I have some work." jungkook said. Taehyung looked at jungkook for a few seconds and smiled softly "sure buddy " and went inside the car.

Jungkook dashed towards the cellar where a lot of bikes and cars are parked, jungkook took his sports bike, and helmet and went out at full speed. All the way towards his destination he couldn't get the photo out of his mind.

Soon jungkook reached his destination, he parked his bike, kept his helmet on the bike, and went towards the house and rang the bell. Jungkook waited impatiently while tapping his foot. He heard an unlocking sound and the door opened.

The person who opened the door asked "Jungkook? What are you doing here?" with a shocked face? As soon as the words left, jungkook pushed the person inside and locked the door "Jungkook what's all this?" The person was nervous as jungkook looks so angry. Jungkook closed the gap between them "Seokjin." Jungkook gave a pause " what is this? " jungkook asked while showing the photo of seokjin, who is shirtless, and a girl who is dangerously close to seokjin near the swimming pool.

Seokjin looked at the photo and saw jungkook with a 'are you serious' look "why do you care" seokjin said pushing jungkook away and moving towards the other side, but before seokjin can move jungkook hold Jin's hand, turned him around and pinned him to the near wall "because I like you, I have been going after you for years now Jin don't act as if you don't know." jungkook said.

Seokjin's eyes softened for a few seconds, but he composed himself "and I told you I don't believe in words like -'like', 'love', 'forever' you at just wasting your time jungkook" jungkook released his grip on seokjin "I will make you believe Jin, just wait" seokjin smiled sarcastically way "good luck with that, now get out."  Jungkook looked at seokjin for a few seconds and left. After closing the door seokjin leaned hits back towards the door and slides down "what are you doing to me jungkook "seokjin whispered to himself while keeping his hand on his racing heart.

why do you think seokjin is hiding his feelings ??

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