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After talking with Jungkook Seokjin directly went to bed. 'Now that Mr.Kim is in jail and won't bother me I have to find a job to pay the bills and take care of my sister. Since Sihyeon was still in college, I must take care of her and pay her tuition fees. Luckily I have saved some money that would last Sihyeon's tuition fee for at least two semesters, not to forget her dormitory fee.'

Seokjin thought to himself. Seokjin felt his eyes heavy due to all the crying he closed his eyes without realizing he had fallen asleep. 

On the other hand, Jungkook couldn't sleep, after the talk with Seokjin he felt his heart heavy and he felt what his hyung said might help him clear his mind. Jungkook sighed heavily, got up from his bed, and went towards his bathroom to freshen up.

After Jungkook got fresh up he went to his hyung's bedroom. He knocked on his bedroom door "Hyung.." Jungkook called out. The door opened revealing Taehyung "Oh kookie is everything okay?" Taehyung asked "Hyung..I will..go on that trip" Jungkook said with his horse voice and red eyes.

Taehyung smiled a little "I understand. Hope you come back to my usual kookie" Taehyung said while caressing Jungkook's head. "So where did you decide to go?" Taehyung asked. 

Seokjin woke up from his sleep when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. He got up and opened the door. "What is it yoongi?" Seokjin asked still in his sleepy state. "Come on we have to pack our bags" Hoseok rushed inside Seokjin's room pushing Yoongi and Seokjin aside and started taking out Seokjin's clothes "Why? Where are we going? " Seokjin asked as making his way towards the bed where all his clothes were littered around.

"Not we. It's just you" Yoongi said with his hands folded "Why? And where?" Seokjin asked confused. Hoseok left the work he was doing and sat beside Seokjin. He took Seokjin's hands "Hyung..we all know how much you are suffering here. We can't see you like this. So I and Yoongi decide to let you go on a trip for a week and relax and enjoy yourself there."

After listening to Hoseok, Seokjin smiled "Thank you hobi but I don't think a week's trip is necessary. I have to look for a job and I am in no position to enjoy my life right now."  Seokjin said, "If it's not for a week at least for 5 days?"  Hoseok tried to convince Seokjin "No Hobi" Seokjin moved towards his clothes to put them back in the wardrobe.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi indicating him to convince Seokjin to the trip. "Umm... Seokjin I think what hobi is trying to tell is a good idea. It will be a change of environment for you as well" "Yoongi not you too" Seokjin said looking at Yoongi. Yoongi sighed "Think about it Seokjin. If you're going to be like this what are you going to say to Sihyeon? And look at you now, you look like a heartbroken man, which you are by the way, but still, think of this trip as a  gift for yourself for all the suffering that you have endured till now." Yoongi said in a convincing voice.

Seokjin, on the other hand, was still thinking "Okay fine if not 5 days at least go for a 3 days trip" Hoseok said in a frustrated voice. "Okay fine," Seokjin said with a small smile on his face. "Yaa!!" Hoseok cheered and Yoongi smiled. 

"Hello... yes he agreed. He will be there for a week." Taehyung said. "He also agreed but only for 3 days," Yoongi said through his phone. "It's fine as long as they come back together,"  Taehyung said "Hopefully". Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung planned this trip so that Seokjin and Jungkook can meet, talk and finally accept their love for each other. 

Hoping for a happy ending🤞🤞......???

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