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After Yoongi told what happened in Seokjin's life to Jungkook. Jungkook was silent. Yoongi continued "Seokjin at first was not going to accept this mission but Mr.Kim used Sihyeon again and Seokjin didn't have any choice." Jungkook was still silent he was staring at the drink in front of him blankly.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other and decided to leave Jungkook alone. "But one thing was sure Jungkook, Seokjin truly loved you," Yoongi said before leaving Jungkook alone. 

Time skip(1 week):

Yoongi and Hoseok were waiting in front of the police station. Today is the day Seokjin is getting released. They saw Seokjin coming out and went near him. "Yoongi, Hobi how are you both?" Seokjin asked with a small smile on his face, he looked tired as if he was continuously crying.

"We are good Jin, but look at you. How are you? Are you even eating anything?" Hoseok asked looking at Seokjin with a sad face. "I am okay hobi. Don't worry about me" Seokjin said. "Let's go," Yoongi said.

Yoongi was driving the car with Hoseok beside him and Seokjin at the back. Seokjin was looking at the buildings through the window.

Yoongi saw Seokjin being lost in his thoughts."He is doing fine." Yoongi said as if he knew what was going through Seokjin's head.

Seokjin looked at Yoongi, he lowered his head with a small smile "That's good" Seokjin whispered. Soon Yoongi dropped Hoseok at the grocery store as Seokjin's house is empty and Yoongi drove Seokjin home. "Hobi will get the grocery and cooking part you can go and freshen up and take a rest. When the food is ready I will wake you up." Yoongi told Seokjin while keeping his car keys on the table. "Okay.." Seokjin said and started making his way toward his room. As Yoongi suggested Seokjin freshened up and went to sleep. Soon Yoongi came and woke Seokjin. 

All three of them sat near the dining table and started eating their food. "How is the food Seokjin?" Hoseok asked "It's tasty Hobi,"  Seokjin said while eating his food. While eating the food "Yoongi how did I come out of the jail? I mean the case was strong enough to put me behind the bars for years. So how did you guys manage to get me out of the jail?" Seokjin asked.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other. Yoongi kept his eating utensils on the table and sighed. "Seokjin...well he told me not to tell you but..."  "Who?.." Seokjin asked. "Jungkook. He tried his best to prove that you are innocent Jin. For a whole week, he never slept he was constantly in touch with the lawyers he gathered all the information which was against Mr.Kim and proof which shows that you are innocent." Seokjin didn't know what to do or say. 

Seokjin stood from his seat and went towards his room. He closed the room door 'Why? why Jungkook, why are you doing all of this? I have hurt you so much then why? why are you still helping me ?' Seokjin thought and slide down from the door with tears streaming down his face.

Seokjin wanted to call Jungkook he wanted to properly apologize to Jungkook and ask for forgiveness but Seokjin was afraid, afraid that he will see disgust and hate in Jungkook's eyes which one's showcased nothing but love for him.

Seokjin took his phone out and with a shaking hand, he called Junkook. After a few rings, he heard "Hello.."  Jungkook's rough voice can be heard. 'Looks like he was sleeping' Seokjin thought to himself. "...Hello?.." Jungkook said again as there was no response from Seokjin's end. Seokjin gathered all of his strength and said "Hello Jungkook"  

On the other side when Seokjin called Jungkook he was sleeping. He didn't even open his eyes and answered the call but when he heard Seokjin's voice from the other side Jungkook got up from his bed and looked at the caller id. 

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked with a cold voice. Seokjin bit his lips to stop himself from crying. He took a deep breath "I... wanted to... thank you ....for getting me ...out Jungkook." Seokjin said "I didn't do this for you and please don't try to contact me again Kim Seokjin. Remember if I ever saw you again I will kill you with my own hands" Jungkook said dismissing the call. Seokjin looked t the blank screen with tears in his eyes. 

After Jungkook said those words he couldn't stop his tears. They were streaming down his face without any control. 'Why?' Was the only question circling inside his head. "Kookie come down mom is calling us f-" Taehyung who came to call Jungkook for food saw Jungkook crying.

He ran towards Jungkook and hugged him "Hyung...How?....What..should... I do?" Jungkook said hugging his hyung back. "What happened kookie?" Taehyung asked rubbing Jungkook's back.

Jungkook controlled his tears, releasing from the hug "Hyung...What should I do? I love him but at the same time after all this, I don't think I can trust him anymore. I don't know what to do hyung" Taehyung couldn't see his baby brother like this he knows Jungkook and Seokjin loves each other but the situation is not in their favor. "Kookie why don't you try taking a trip? It will help you clear your mind as well." Taehyung suggested and saw that Jungkook was in deep thought "I will leave you alone now. Think about the trip Jungkook it will help you a lot trust me." Taehyung said and left.

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