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Seokjin tried hard to control his tears. He went to his bathroom and washed his face. He looked at his reflection; his eyes were red and puffy, and his skin color looked pale. He heard the doorbell, but he was not in the mood to open the door to anyone.

He closed his bathroom door and was about to go towards his bed when his bedroom door opened. "Why weren't you answering the door?" Hoseok said this and sat on Seokjin's bed, followed by Yoongi, who stood near the door.

Seokjin looked at Hoseok and Yoongi and said, "You weren't answering the door or your phone, so we had to invite ourselves inside." Hoseok said. Seokjin sighed. "I am not in the mood to talk to anyone," Seokjin said, going under his blanket. Hoseok looked at Seokjin and at Yoongi, to which Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

Yoongi went towards Seokjin and kneeled near Seokjin's bed. Yoongi sighed and placed one of his hands on Seokjin's head and began patting it, which caused Seokjin to cry.

Hoseok was confused as to why Seokjin was crying; on the other hand, Yoongi had an idea for Seokjin's tears. Yoongi stood up and went toward Hoseok. "Hobi, can you bring ice cream? I think it might help to improve his mood," Yoongi said, to which Hoseok nodded and went out, leaving Yoongi and Seokjin alone.

Yoongi went down and brought a glass of water for Seokjin and gave the glass to Seokjin, who took the glass and took a sip. Yoongi sat beside Seokjin on the bed. "You can't be with him, Seokjin," Yoongi said without beating around the bush. "I know, but I cannot help but fall for him, Yoongi. Why should he love me so much, and why should he be the person that I have to hurt so much? Yoongi, I never asked god for much—just some love in my life. I lost my mother's love, and my father doesn't even consider me his son. And now, when I finally found the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life, he's going to hate me forever when he gets to know why I really came into his life." Seokjin's tears were not stopping.

Yoongi who was listing this whole time hugged Seokjin and let his friend cry his eyes out. After a few minutes, Seokjin calmed down and was eating the ice cream that Hoseok brought. After eating Seokjin got a call from 'Mr.Kim' Seokjin was confused "Hello?" "Be ready by 8 pm we are going to a party and dress accordingly" Before Seokjin could ask anything, the call got disconnected.

He looked at the phone and at Yoongi "Who was that?" Yoongi asked "Fath- Mr.Kim, he told me to get ready for a party" Seokjin replied with a dull face "No way is he ?" Hoseok said with a shocked face "I think so. He is going to take me to Mr.Jeon's Party" Seokjin said tears already forming in his eyes. "Seokjin you are not going" Yoongi who was silent this whole time spoke.

"No Yoongi you know I can't do that," Seokjin said while getting up from the bed to get ready for the party. "Jin how long are you going to be a puppet in his hands? He doesn't love you.No matter what you do he will not love you "

Seokjin who was going toward the restroom stopped in his tracks, and turned around with a small smile, "No mom told me he loves me. I just have to prove that I am worth it Yoongi and my Father will give me the world. Yes, I just have to be a good boy and listen to everything he tells me ." Seokjin told, more like convinced himself.

Yoongi and Hoseok were too stunned to speak anything. They were seeing a different side of Seokjin that they never saw. Yoongi started getting worried, if Seokjin went to the party with Mr. Kim, then that means only one thing Mr.Kim is going to reveal that Seokjin was a spy and he was just playing around with Jungkook.

Mr.Kim is going to reveal everything just to make Jeon's family look down. If everything gets revealed, then Jungkook will start seeing Seokjin in a different light, which Seokjin won't be able to take.

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