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Jungkook and Seokijn meet each other in their first year. Jungkook was popular, all girls and boys are head over heels for him. Even some people who already have boyfriends/girlfriends. Seokjin was popular in his way. When Jungkook saw Seokijn he was mesmerized by Seokijn's beauty, especially Seokjin's eyes. Jungkook being Jungkook went ahead and started flirting with Seokjin in hopes of a one-night stand and Seokjin being Seokjin declined Jungkook even before Jungkook can go deep. 

This incident started a hater in Jungkook's heart and decided to make Seokjin's college life a hell. From that day forward Jungkook started his plan and never left a chance to humiliate or tease Seokjin. On the other hand, Seokjin didn't back down and he also didn't leave any chance. One thing lead to another and Jungkook found Seokjin's annoyed, angry face which becomes red, and cute.

Jungkook started seeing Seokjin in a different light and found everything Seokjin does cute. Jungkoook soon realized that he was head over heels for Seokjin and confessed to Seokjin. But Seokjin taught it was another trick to get into his pants and declined. But Jungkook never gave up and showed how sincere he is with his actions. His sincere actions and words moved Seokjin's heart, but he was afraid to admit it.

In a private restaurant:

Taehyung was waiting patiently for his 'guest' who is 15 minutes late. Soon the guest came " sorry taehyung traffic was heavy." The guest's words didn't match his tone or behavior. "It's okay Sam, let's first order. You must be hungry" Taehyung said and raised his hand for a waiter.

The waiter came took their order and left. "So, why the sudden meeting Taehyung?" Taehyung leaned back in his seat "Some rats are trying to talk to our shareholders to bring us down Sam. do you have any idea who they might be?" Sam's face paled and started sweating, he chuckled nervously "Who is stupid enough to go against you taehyung" Taehyung let out a chuckle "exactly." "Maybe someone from Demon Dagger, you know how they are" Taehyung face became dark at the mention of Demon Dagger.

Taehyung decided to stop beating around the bush, he leaned forward and kept his elbows on the table with a claw hand. "But Sam you must know that France shareholders are the most loyal shareholders we have" Sam panicked, stood from his chair with a force that the chair fell, and point his gun towards Taehyung. As soon as the gun pointed towards Taehyung the guards around pointed their guns toward Sam.

Taehyung signaled to lower their guns, stood up buttoned his suit and went towards Sam, and stood in front of him "Let this be a lesson for the people who think they can betray us" took a hold of the gun which Sam was holding, twisted his hand which resulted in losing the grip on the gun, took the gun and shooted Sam.

The plate-dropping sound took taehyung's attention. Taehyung saw a waiter standing there with wide eyes looking at the body which is covered with blood. Taehyung moved toward the waiter who is still staring at the body. Taehyung saw the name tag "Park Jimin" Jimin who was staring at the body turned his head towards Taehyung who was standing too close with a gun in his hand. Taehyung smirked and Jimin gulped loudly.

Jimin went in search of a rent house but the rents were heavy for Jimin. So he decided to go for a part-time job and got the position of a server in a restaurant. He was excited to start the job and planned out his expenses but look where faith has brought him.

Taehyung dragged Jimin who was protesting and tried to pull his hand away from Taehyung. But these protests went unheard by Taehyung. Taehyung threw Jimin in the back seat, sat beside Jimin, and ordered the driver to drive.

Jimin who haven't spoken anything turned his body towards Taehyung "where are you taking me? look if you are afraid that I will tell anyone about the incident I swear on my life that I will never tell a soul about it." "afraid?" Taehyung scoffed. " Go ahead, let's see who will dare to go against me" Jimin got confused "Then why are you kidnapping me?" " I find you cute" Taehyung said while looking at Jimin with unreadable eyes.

Soon they reached the mansion. Taehyung got out when a bodyguard opened the door. he looked at Jimin who is in deep thoughts. Taehyung went towards Jimin and lifted him in his arms. Jimin squealed in surprise and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck, afraid of falling.

Thank you 1aaaazzzzz for always commenting and showing your love. 💘😍

Hope everyone are enjoying the book.☺

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