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The next day:

After having their sweet moment and some more cuddling Taehyung and Jimin decided to return to their main mansion as Taehyung has to do some unfinished business and Jimin wanted to get to his house.

Taehyung requested Jimin to come and stay with him forever and Jimin accepted it. Taehyung drove Jimin to Jimin's house as Jimin wanted to pack his belongings. After packing Jimin's stuff with Taehyung's help they started going toward the main mansion.

While going towards the mansion Taehyung noticed that a bike was following him, to confirm his decision he took different turns which made Jimin confuse "Tae why are taking the wrong turns, the mansion is the other way right?" Jimin asked Taehyung who was having a serious face, but Taehyung didn't want Jimin to be afraid.

His priority was to keep Jimin somewhere safe "Chim, listen to me carefully. I will drop you at my friends' house you will be safe there." Jimin started getting worried "Why Tae what's happening?" Taehyung took Jimin's hand "Hey.. calm down nothing is happening. I... I  just remember I had some work to do and it will be very dangerous for you to be with me. " Taehyung looked at Jimin who was in deep thought "Trust me Jimin you will be safe, he is my best friend his name is Namjoon we have been friends for a long time now." Taehyung said to assure Jimin "I am not thinking about my safety Tae, I am thinking about you. Will you be safe?" Taehyung smiled at Jimin's confession.

Taehyung increased his speed, took a turn, and entered a lonely place. He turned off his engine and waited for a few seconds to see if the bike was still following him and when he confirmed that the bike is not following he turned towards Jimin and said "cupcake, you don't have to worry about me I will be fine" Taehyung said looking at Jimin's worried and water-filled eyes. "Tae you have to promise me you will come back to me in one piece" Taehyung smiled sweetly "I promise Jimin" " I love you Taehyung," Jimin said and kissed Taehyung and Taehyung closed his eyes trying to memorize this moment. Jimin pulled away with a shy smile. " I love you too Jimin," Taehyung said and pecked Jimin's lips.

After their sweet moment, Taehyung dropped Jimin near Namjoon's house and went to catch the bike that was following but to his luck as soon as Taehyung entered the main road the bike started following but now there was a car which was also following Taehyung.

Taehyung made sure that the car and bike are following him and went to a forest-like area and stopped near a cliff, Taehyung got out of his car, but before getting down Taehyung tapped a button on his car's screen which sends a signal to his bodyguards about his location.

Soon the bike and car stopped a few meters away and in front of Taehyung. The biker removed his helmet and the four guys who were sitting in the car got out all were having weapons like hockey sticks, baseball bats, and guns.

They started running toward Taehyung. Taehyung stopped a bat that was about to hit his head, he kicked the person holding the bat in the stomach and hit the second person with the bat. The third person marched toward Taehyung and Taehyung stopped him and hold him still, took his gun out, and shot the fourth person who was marching towards him before he could kill the third person who was still in the hold of Taehyung the fifth person (the biker) took his gun and shot Taehyung hand due to which he lost the grip on the gun, the fifth person aimed again and fried, but Taehyung used the third person as his shield and before the fifth person can shot again he heard several cars sounds. The fifth person cursed and ran away.

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