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" parents?"  Jimin asked with a heavy heart. Taehyung was shocked he couldn't respond until Jimin took his hands "Tae..?"  Jimin asked with tears in his eyes. Taehuyng couldn't look at Jimin's eyes and looked down. 

Jimin bitted his lip "okay... at least tell me this. Were you the re- reason why my parents died.?"  Taehyung closed his eyes and took a long breath "I'm sorry Jimin"  Jimin couldn't believe he dropped Taehyung's hands and took a few steps back. 

His breathing got abnormal. Taehyung noticed this, he took Jimin's hands "Jimin..please please"  Taehyung couldn't see Jimin like this especially knowing that he was the reason for  Jimin's tears. "Tae.....h-how....cou-ld ..... you?"  Jimin asked Taehyung while trying to catch his breath.

 Taehyung took Jimin towards the sofa and made him sit while he went to the kitchen, brought a glass of water, and gave it to Jimin. But Jimin refused to drink. Taehyung sat beside Jimin "baby please drink some water. I promise to tell you everything" Jimin looked at Taehyung with pained eyes "tell me what Taehyung...oh.. how you killed my parents?"  Taehyung kept the glass he was holding on the table, and he took a deep breath "it's true that I was the reason why your parents died, but I was not the one who killed them. They were precious to me as well Jimin." 

"Your grandpa used to work for us, he was the most excellent sniper. Your grandpa and my grandpa were close friends. Everyone wanted to separate them as they were jealous and told that your grandpa was a spy but my grandpa knows better. 

Days and Years passed but their friendship was still strong. Soon your grandpa got married and had a daughter. He told my grandpa that he would not work for us anymore as he didn't want to risk his family's life and promised that he would not tell anyone about our family's secrets, and my grandpa agreed to it. But they still remained friends.

When I was born your mother was the one who took care of me the most as my mother was hospitalized due to some medical problem while giving birth to me. She was....."  Taehyung let his tears out. Jimin was shocked as he has never seen Taehyung talking about someone so deeply. 

"She always cooked my favorite food and used to listen to all my stories. There was this one gang who wanted to defeat my father so badly they found out that if they can get all the information from your grandpa they can defeat us. So they started blackmailing your grandpa, but as promised your grandpa didn't reveal anything. 

They finally got fed up and tried to kill you but your parents left you at our house's doorstep and left. We found where they kept your parents and grandpa, my grandpa, without thinking much left alone to save your parents and his friend. By the time we reached the location, everything was over we found your parent's body, and your grandpa was crying over grandpa's body. 

After the funeral, your grandpa took you and left a letter telling us not to look for him. But we couldn't leave as he lost a lot because of us. So we tried and found his location, but he refused to meet us and to take a single penny from us and told us that he didn't want you to get involved in anything dangerous, he even told us that he is not blaming any of us for his loss. 

My parents respected his words and stopped following him, but I couldn't. I saw everything he did to provide good food and shelter to you. I saw him ever struggle. The least I could do was give you and your grandpa protection and that's what I did. I killed everyone who ever tried to touch you or your grandpa.

 After your grandpa died I saw how hard things were for you I wanted to be there for you, but I was ashamed, our family was the reason why you lost your parents. But even after your grandpa's death people didn't stop attacking you in the hopes of getting some information against us and it was getting hard for me to be there so I decided to bring you here."

After telling, Taehyung looked at Jimin who seems lost. " I know it is a lot to take, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jimin that we were the cause that you lost everything" Jimin looked at Taehyung and said "Why are you sorry Taehyung? "Jimin cupped Taehyungs face "The people who killed my parents, they should be sorry......why... why are you sorry." Taehyung connected his forehead.

 They both cried silently one feeling guilty and blaming himself and the other knowing how his parents and grandpa sacrificed their part to keep him safe.

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