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As soon as they arrived at the mansion Jungkook opened the car door and ran inside even before Seokjin could turn off the engine. Jungkook ran upstairs to where Taehyung's room was located and opened the room door with a loud bang "Hyung!!" Taehyung was lying on his bed with Jimin beside him giving him antibiotics.

"Oh... Jungkook." Jungkook went near Taehyung "Hyung are you okay? are you hurt somewhere?" Jungkook asked Taehyung with so much concern in his voice to which Jimin smiled softly.

"Kookie I am perfectly alright," Taehyung said "Ah... Kookie I forgot to introduce you. Jungkook this is Jimin, my boyfriend, and Jimin this is Jungkook my baby brother" Taehyung introduced.

"Hyung~~ I am not a baby anymore" Jungkook whined "No matter what you are my baby brother kookie," Tahyung said pinching Jungkook's cheeks.

"It's nice to meet you Jungkook," Jimin said with a small smile. Jungkook returned the smile "me too hyung. Umm... can I call you Hyung?" "Of course Junkook " Jimin replied.

Meanwhile, Seokjin parked the car and went inside the mansion. He entered the hall and looked around carefully as if he is trying to memorize every single corner of the mansion.

He started making his way up to Taehyung's room "Hello?.." Seokjin heard someone. He turned around and met with Jungkook's father, Mr. Jeon Kyung Ho.

"May I know who you are?" Mr.Jeon asked Seokjin "Hello"  Seokjin greeted him. "Have we met before?  You look familiar" Mr.Jeon asked Seokjin while making his way towards Seokjin who was standing on the stairs.

"Oh, dad" Jungkook came near Seokjin "Looks like you have met jin. Anyways I will introduce you again. Seokjin this is my dad and dad this is Seokjin ... my boyfriend"

"Oh, at last, my kookie has a boyfriend huh? thank god" Ms. Jeon who was coming from the kitchen with fruits in her hand said.

She came near Seokjin and smiled softly "You're so handsome dear." while caressing his cheeks. Seokjin smiled with tears in his eyes as he got memories of his mother's soft touch.

"Thank you, Ms.Jeon" "Oh. no not Ms.Jeon you can call me Mom." Seokjin looked shocked and looked at Jungkook who smiled and softly nodded. Seokjin turned towards Ms.Jeon "Yes ....Mom." "and you can call me dad" Mr. Jeon said with a small smile.

After finishing their little talk on the stairs Jungkook took Seokjin to Taehyung and proudly introduced Seokjin to his Hyung and Brother-in-law. Soon everyone came down and had dinner together with small talk and wide smiles.

Happy New year guys.Hope your New Year will be filled with Happiness and Health.

Don't think much and just enjoy your day, you deserve that. ❤

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