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"Sri, are you okay?" one of the bodyguards asked Taehyung. "Yeah, I am okay" Taehyung answered despite his bleeding hand "Note down the car number and get the details," Taehyung said and went towards his car. "Sir, where are you going?" Jae Hyun, Taehyung's personal guard asked as it was already night time "I have to pick Jimin" "But sir, what about your hand?" "I am fine Jae Hyun. Stay here and see if you find any clues" " Okay sir" Jae Hyun said and opened the car door for Taehyung.

In Namjoon's House:

Jimin was sitting on a sofa with a worried expression "Here have some hot chocolate" Namjoon gave Jimin a cup "Thank you Mr. Kim" "Oh you don't have to be so formal with me just call me Namjoon or Joon is also fine." Namjoon said while sitting on the bean bag.

"So, Jimin how long you have been dating Taehyung," Namjoon asked after sipping his coffee. "Not so long Namjoon," Jimin replied shyly. "I was shocked when Tae told me about you. I thought 'oh people like tae can also fall in love' " Namjoon said while chucking and shaking his head.

"You know Tae never dated anyone. He turned every beautiful girl and handsome boy but that didn't stop him from having one-night stands tho." "How often does that ?" Jimin asked slowly "What? one-night stands? oh, I have lost count long back -" Namjoon suddenly stopped talking as he now realized he was talking to Taehyung's boyfriend. "But now since he got you he changed completely no more one-night stands" Namjoon tried to cover because if his friend gets to know that he spilled all his tea then Taehyung would not hesitate to kill him or more, bury him alive. 'Great Namjoon now you can say goodbye to your beautiful life' Namjoon thought to himself.

The doorbell rang indicating someone came. Jimin was the first to get up, he ran toward the door followed by Namjoon.

As soon as Jimin saw Taehyung he threw himself on Taehyung. "I was so worried," Jimin said without releasing the hug. " I am fine Jimin," Taehyung said hugging Jimin tighter and closing his eyes with a content smile.

Soon Jimin released the hug and saw Taehyung's blooded hand "Oh my god, Tae what happened to your hand?" Jimin asked while taking Taehyung's blooded hand into his. "oo it's nothing Chimmy" Jimin dragged Taehyung inside and made him sit on the sofa "where is the first aid kit?" Jimin asked Namjoon "I will get it" Namjoon went to get the kit.

"It's nothing Chimmy, just a scratch," Taehyung said looking at Jimin who was taking the first aid kit from Namjoon's hand "I will make some tea for you Taehyung" Namjoon excused himself "scratch my ass. Look how heavily you are bleeding" Jimin started scolding Taehyung for being irresponsible.

In Seokjin's house:

Jungkook daily comes to Seokjin's house to spend some time with his boyfriend. Jungkook was sitting on the sofa searching for a movie to watch while waiting for Seokjin who was in the kitchen preparing some snacks "Seokjin can you watch horror movies?" Jungkook asked "Oh I can watch anything Jungkook" Seokjin replied from the kitchen. But he was praying to god that Jungkook would not choose a horror movie.

Soon Seokjin came from the kitchen with snacks and kept them on the table in front of the sofa. He sat beside Jungkook and Jungook started the movie. Soon Seokjin realized that it was a horror movie. Every time a horror scene pops up Seokjin closes his eyes and tries his best not to show but he failed when a ghost pops up suddenly, he jumps in his seat which doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.

Instead of making fun of Seokjin, Jungkook circled his hand around Seokjin and let him lean on his chest. Seokjin smiled to himself and leaned towards Jungkook's chest, where he felt protected and safe. By the time the movie came to an end, it was midnight, with Jungkook holding Seokjin in his arms securely.

Suddenly Jungkook got a call, it was one of the bodyguards who are under Jungkook. "Hello" Jungkook answered while still having Seokjin close to him. "What?!!" Jungkook suddenly stood up making Seokjin alert. "Okay, I will be right there." Jungkook started taking his jacket and car keys "What happened Jungkook?" Seokjin asked Jungkook who has worried written all over his face " Jin I have to go. Taehyung...hyung there was an attack on Hyung"  Seokjin widened his eyes, but only for a few seconds before he composed himself.

Before Jungkook can move Seokjin caught his hand "Jungkook, let me drive. It's dangerous to drive if your emotions are all over the place" Before Jungkook could say anything Seokjin took the keys from his hand and went towards the main door followed by Jungkook. Junkook told the directions as it was the first time Seokjin is going to Junkook's house.

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