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Jungkook offered to drop Seokjin off. "Today was one of my happiest moments. I introduced my boyfriend to the family who gladly accepted it and we had a nice warm time together right?" Jungkook said with one hand on the steering and another one holding Seokjin's hand. "Right.Me too." 'It's been so long since I had any food with my family together and I don't think it's possible.' Seokjin thought to himself.

"Jin?" Jungkook's voice brought Seokjin back to reality "Yeah?" "Umm... I don't know if I am moving fast or not but, I never heard you mention anything about your family and I am curious to know everything about you." Jungkook said carefully as he thought Seokjin might have some bad memories from the past.

" family ?" Seokjin asked surprised, he was not expecting Jungkook to ask about his family. Jungkook looked at Seokjin who was silent "Jin it's fine if you don't want to tell. I can understand." Jungkook said squeezing Seokjin's hand a little.

Jungkook noticed how Seokjin became so calm and dull. To lift Seokjin's mood Jungkook started to take a different route, Seokjin was in deep thought and didn't notice what was happening around him.

Jungkook stopped the car and went towards Seokjin side, opening the door, which startled Seokjin, he looked at Jungkook with a question mark face. "Come on " Jungkook took Seokjin's hand and took him to the nearby convenient store.

Seokjin looked at Jungkook "Come on go get what you want" Seokjin was so confused. Jungkook without waiting took Seokjin to the ice cream aisle and brought ice-creams for both of them.

As soon as they came out Seokjin noticed that they were in front of a beach. "Jungkook??" Jungkook smiled, took Seokjin's hand, and went for a walk on the beach. "Why did you bring me here Jungkook?" Seokjin asked while walking on the sand with their bare feet. "I saw you were dull when I asked about your family and as a responsible boyfriend I have to correct my mistake" Jungkook explained while sitting on the sand with Seokjin.

They both were enjoying the moonlight and silent waves holding each other's hands on the sand.

"My mother was born in a small village..." Seokjin broke the silence and Jungkook realized that Seokjin is now ready to share some memories from his childhood with him so he gave his full attention to his boyfriend.

Seokjin continued "She was the most beautiful woman in the village. Everyone in the village told her how blessed she was for having such a beautiful face but that blessing became a curse to her.

One day a group of people came to the village because they were short of men and forced our village teenagers, both men, and women. Women for satisfying their needs and men for business and those who denied them were shot to death. My grandparents never let my mother out when the gang enters the village.

One day all of a sudden the gang came and saw my mother, they were trying to take my mother, and my grandfather and grandmother tried so hard to protect her but in the end, they shot them to death and took her forcefully. On the way towards their place, a guy attacked the gang and saved my mother.

He wanted to take my mother back to the village but my mother said that there was no one in the village for her and that she is all alone. Hearing this the boy offered my mother his place and my mother accepted it. Soon he took her to a forest area in the middle there was a small house.

They both started living together, the boy used to go hunting and bring the food while my mother cooks it and takes care of the house. Soon my mother started to have feelings for the boy as well as the boy started to have feelings for my mother.

They confessed to each other and got married, it was not a grand one as both of them didn't have any family left, they just exchanged rings. After a few months, my mother found that my father started going on trips in the name of work a lot, but she shrugged it off thinking that he was working for their future.

As time went on she found that she was pregnant,... she was pregnant with me. She happily told my father, but she didn't receive any reaction from my father. From that day onwards he started beating my mother without any reason.

She thought it was just a few beatings and that once I was born everything will be normal and that we all will be one small happy family. But those beating didn't stop they started getting more and more physical and she started bleeding from those wounds.

My father stopped caring for my mother so she had to buy vegetables from the market, cook, wash clothes and take care of the house all by herself. One day my mother was coming home from the market when she saw my father dressed in a fancy suit, she called him but he didn't hear her and went into the church which was decorated beautifully and was filled with rich people.

She went inside and was shocked to see my father standing on the stage with a woman beside him saying his vows, the same vows which were once told to her, that he would stay with her until death do them (apart). She couldn't stay there anymore and went home. He returned to my mother after 3 days and my mother asked him where he was but my father, he lied to her face.

She couldn't hold back anymore and confronted him and he....he just laughed at her and told her that she was nothing but a whore to him. He told my mother how he saw her and wanted to have her and that he was the main leader of that gang and they did every single thing that he told them to do.

After that he left my mother in the middle of the forest, she didn't have a place to stay, her parents left her she left the village as she didn't want any bad memories of how her parents got killed trying to protect her and the person that she loved dearly has also left him. She felt her world collapse. She couldn't cry no tears were coming out of her eyes. She was just staring at the wall blankly.

The next morning the birds chirping and sunlight brought her back to reality. She stood up and went to the market to buy some vegetables. While she was coming back from the market she felt her head spinning and lost consciousness.

The villagers who were passing by saw my mother and recognized her, bought her to the village, and let her rest. After opening her eyes my mother explained everything to them and the villagers were kind enough to help her. The villagers used to take care of my mother with heavy things as she was near the due date.

I was born there with the help of the villagers. The whole village raised me with so much love and care Jungkook. When I was 10 my mother died so the villager's head took the responsibility to raise me.

My mother... she told me how sorry she was that she gave birth to a fatherless child and she blamed herself for that. Jungkook it's my fault, right? She had health problems because of giving birth to me. She knew that and she still gave birth to me. I killed her right? If only I was not born then...then she would... have been alive right? " Jungkook hugged Seokjin who was having difficulty completing the sentence as he was crying so badly.

"Shhh... Jin calm down baby. It's not your fault" Seokjin fisted Jungkook's shirt tightly and cried hysterically. "Your mother must so proud to see you studying hard and taking care of yourself. Don't be harsh on yourself jin" Jungkook said with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook never left Seokjin's side that night he was holding Seokjin in his arms safely. That night Jungkook saw a different side of Seokjin which made him fall for Seokjin even more.

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