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In Seokjin's house:

Seokjin woke up and saw the pen drive given to him yesterday night on the table. He closed his eyes, opened them, and took his laptop, and the pen drive. He inserted the pen drive into his and started going through the files. 

After a few hours, his doorbell rang. He went down and opened the door. "Hello!"  Hoseok said with Yoongi standing beside him. "What are you guys doing here?" Seokjin asked while opening the door wide so that they could enter.

"We heard 'he' came yesterday," Yoongi said while entering the house. "umm...yes," Seokjin said with an uninterested voice. "he gave me a pen drive and told us to hurry up," Seokjin said.

"So.. what are you going to do now?" Yoongi asked while observing Seokjin's emotions. "What do you mean 'what are you going to do' we are here to complete the task.....and we are going to do it," Seokjin said and went to his room. 

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other. "I think it's better to leave him alone, he is going through a lot," Hoseok said. Yoongi looked towards Seokjin's room, and sighed deeply "yeah... let's go." Yoongi and Hoseok left. In the room, Seokjin is having an internal battle about whether to continue his plan or not. 


Jungkook has been discharged from the hospital. His father came to pick him up from the hospital. "dad what happened to hyung? why did he not come to pick me up?" Jungkook asked his dad who was driving the car as he wanted to spend some time with his son alone without any bodyguards, even though it was just a few (minutes) ride.

"why...are not happy that I came to pick you up, brat,"  Mr.Jeon said "it's not like that dad" Jungkook whined. "He said there was some important work to finish and went to his house."Mr. Jeon said. Jungkook got the message that something is off with his hyung. 

Jungkook got a message from his friend "dad...I don't think I can go home now."  Mr.Jeon looked at Jungkook "why?" "I am going to meet my friends now. Can you drop me near the club?" "oh..sure." Soon Mr.Jeon dropped him near the bar." be careful, buddy." "Sure dad, bye," Jungkook said while exiting the car.

In Club:

"Hey man, what's up," Yugyeom said when he saw Jungkook. "we heard jin came to visit you when you were in the hospital,..what's going on huh?" Mingyu started teasing Jungkook "It was shocking for me as well. I never expected Jin to come and visit me like that and agree to be my boyfriend." Jungkook said with a contented smile on his face.

"looks like someone is already whipped for  his boyfriend."  Yugyeom teased his friend. "wait till you guys get your partners"  Jungkook said. "Guys, I have to go I will be quick," Mingyu said and went away before the others could say anything.

"What is up with him?"  Jungkook asked Yugyeom. "nothing....he just found a new guy"  "Ohh another one-night thing?" "I don't think so, he looks quite serious about this new guy. okay, leave about him tell me about you."  Jungkook looked at Yugyeom confused"What about me?"  "man I have known you for the longest. I know when something is wrong"  Jungkook took a sip from his beer.

"It's about jin" Yugyeom frowned "ohh already fighting huh?"  "'s not that"  After sensing the seriousness in Jungkook's voice "What happened ?" "You remember how jin used always be so tough like he never backed off whenever we bullied him." "yeah, and it pissed you off even more."  " and it was also one of the reasons why I fell in love with him, he seems softer, I don't hate it but it feels like he is acting "  

Yugyeom looked confused "So you feel like jin is a completely different person now? " "No...not like totally but ...... oh god this is hard to explain. He is still the same jin I fell in love with but he is like a soft version of the previous jin. You understand what I am trying to tell you?"  "yeah. but I don't get why that is a problem. Look some of them act tough but once you break the shell or once they get comfortable they will open up. Maybe jin is the same, we used to bully him but now he accepted you as his boyfriend. So obviously he wants to show his true self." Jungkook looked half convinced." If you are not convinced why don't you try asking jin directly?"  "Right I should."

In the guest house:

After telling the whole story to Jimin Taehyung took Jimin to his house. Whenever Taehyung feel suffocating or depressed he used to go to the club but as he was growing up the attacks started so he thought of building his own safe house. 

Taehyung and Jimin are lying on the bed with Jimins back pressed to Taehyung's chest, blankets covering their whole body. Jimin was the first to wake up. he saw himself being held by Taehyung.

He slowly turned towards Taehyung and looked at Taehyung's face. He slowly moved his finger toward Taehyung face and started tracing them. He slowly moved his finger from the forehead towards the lips. Taehyung caught Jimins finger with his teeth softly.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and saw Jimin looking at him with a surprised face. "I thought you were sleeping," Jimin said shyly "How can I when you are eating me with your eyes, chimmy" Jimin hit Taehyung's chest " I was not," Jimin said with a pout on his face. Taehyung smiled softly and hugged Jimin tightly.  

Do you guys also think jin is acting soft or is it just jungkook's brain playing games???

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