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Mr.Kim moved forward, took Seokjin's hand, and pulled him out. "why are you hiding behind him, Seokjin? Are you not happy that I introduced you as my son? But this is what you wanted right?"

Seokjin couldn't say anything and just stood there with his head down. On the other hand, Mr. Jeon's family members were shocked. They looked at Jungkook who was not showing any emotions.

Jungkook moved forward and looked at Seokjin who was looking down. "Is it true Jin?" Jungkook asked Seokjin who kept quiet and was still looking down.

Jungkook lifted Seokjin's face and held his hands, asking again "Is it true Jin? Is it true that Kim Seo Hyung is your father? Just tell me it's a lie Jin and I will believe it. Just say you're not please." Jungkook was begging Seokjin to say it was all a lie.

Seeing him begging with tears in his eyes, Mr.Jeon couldn't bear it. He wanted to kill every single person who was responsible for his son's tears.

Jungkook was still looking at Seokjin with tears and hope in his eyes. Seokjin removed his hands from Jungkooks grip "I am sorry Jungkook." That was enough for Jungkook, he looked at Seokjin with a betrayal face and said "So this was why you accepted my love. why Jin why? did I ask for anything? I just wanted you to love me. what wrong have I done that you have to hurt me like this? All this time I was a fool to think that you loved me. Did you have fun teasing me and playing with my feeling?" Jungkook was hurt so badly. He didn't expect this from Seokjin. "Jungkook.... i-" Seokjin wanted to apologize so badly. "Get out. Get out Seokjin. I don't want to see your face again" Jungkook said with pain and left from there.

Mr.Kim was also shocked he didn't expect Jungkook to leave like that and on top of that Mr.Jeon was not moving from his place.

No one was angry they were all just hurt. Seokjin didn't know what to do he just started walking towards the exit. Mr.Kim was totally disappointed as his plan failed. Before Seokjin could go out "Looks like your son was fooled by my son Mr.Jeon"

Mr.Kim started mocking Mr.Jeon "He was such a fool not to see who was real and who was fake" Mr.Kim turned towards the guests "This is the type of people you trust? I would never trust people who don't know how to differentiate good, and bad and trust everyone. What if one day they trust the wrong and loss their property we will all be doomed."

Mr.Kim started using different ways to make people lose their trust in Mr.Jeon and Black Spider and it was working as people started whispering negatively. Mr.Jeon and Taehyung did know what to do they were more concerned about Jungkook than their business right now. 

Seokjin who listening to what his father was speaking clearly understood that his father used him, again. Seokjin scoffed "Aren't you the most untrusted person here?" Seokjin turned around and started walking toward his father.

Seokjin stood in front of his father and looked straight in the eyes. "What are you talking about? I never trust people easily." Seokjin looked at his father with disgust in his eyes "Yeah. You never trust anyone but you backstab them like how you did now. You use people's feelings and trust, to kill your enemy and finally kill them as well. Am I right 'father'?" 

Mr.Kim was too stunned to speak he did not expect this to turn out like this, especially from Seokjin. "Seokjin what are doing?"  Mr.Kim shouted silently "Why are you afraid all your truth will come out?" Seokjin said it loud enough so that everyone can hear. "Why are you afraid that everyone will know that you left my mother when she was pregnant and married another woman for money." Mr.Kim's eyes were wide.

"Seokjin stop this drama right now or else" Mr.Kim was boiling with anger as he holds Seokjin's hand tightly. " or what? what are you going to do? With one click all your wrongdoings will be sent to the police." Seokjin said showing his phone.

Seokjin always kept a copy of the work he did for Mr.Kim not because he wanted to use them against Mr.Kim but because they were the only memories he has related to his father. But now he didn't have any choice. "You are not going to do that Seokjin. If you do that you will also go to jail with me because you were the one who committed them with my command" Seokjin smirked "And do you think I care?"

Seokjin clicked the button and soon enough every police station present in the city received the information with all the evidence. "You bastard" Mr.Kim grabbed Seokjin's collar with his two hands "I should have never trusted you" "you never did father. Every time I went on a mission you had someone follow me. Do you think I didn't notice it? You were spying on me every single day and yet you pretended to know nothing. I was silent all these years because I believed my mom, that you will someday come to love me but now after what Jungkook has shown me what true love is, and feels like I was a fool to think that you will eventually come to love me."

Mr.Kim released the hold and said "I'm sorry son. I never knew that you were going through so much. I am a bad father. I am sorry. Please give this bad father a chance"  "Stop acting, father no matter what you do I will never forgive you." Soon they heard a police siren and the police came and cuffed Mr.Kim and started to drag him "Leave me. Leave me alone. I didn't do anything. I am innocent.Seokjin you son of a b*tch." Mr.Kim started protesting and cursing while the police dragged him out. 

"Who is Kim Seokjin?" The police officer asked. "It's me," Seokjin said. The police officer moved towards Seokjin and cuffed him"You are under arrest for spying and deceiving people" The police officer said and took Seokjin and made him sit beside Mr.Kim. "Look what have you done? What will you do now? No matter what you can't see that Jungkook." Mr.Kim said " I am happy enough to know that you rot in jail forever," Seokjin said. 

After arresting Seokjin and Mr.Kim, Yoongi and Hoseok came to Mr.Jeon's house and were shocked to learn what Seokjin has done. Yoongi and Hoseok explained what happened. They were all shocked to know about Seokjin's past. They all tried to contact Jungkook but his phone was switched off.

Mr.Jeon tried contacting Junkook's friend,  and Teahyung started asking around his friends and guards about Junkook. " I found him," Hoseok said "Where?" Yoongi asked "One of our informers told us that he is drinking in 'Owl's Club' "

As soon as Hoseok said that Taehyung and Mr.Jeon were making their way toward the club, but Yoongi stopped them "You both stay here me and Hoseok will go and bring him back"  "But-" "Dad. let them talk to Jungkook" Taehyung said to his father. "Alright," Mr.Jeon sighed. "Let's go Hoseok" 

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