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In The Hospital:

Jungkook was sitting on the hospital bed while the nurse was wrapping the bandage around Jungkook's arm, Taehyung went to inform his dad and pay the bills. Noises were coming from outside the room. Jungkook asked the bodyguard to check.

The bodyguard went out to check, came back, and said "sir, someone named Seokjin is making a commotion to allow him to meet you" Jungkook widened his eyes and looked at the door.

Jungkook's surprised face changed to a silly smirk. He told the nurse to go and adjusted himself on the bed to a laying position and covered half of himself with a blanket, he told the bodyguard to allow Jin and told everyone to wait outside.

Seokjin came inside and saw Jungkook 'sleeping' he went near the bed and sat on the stool which was beside the bed and saw the arm which is now covered with a bandage.

He took Jungkook's hand in both of his hands. Jungkook who was sleeping, frowned when he felt drops on his hand. Jungkook opened his eyes and saw Seokjin's head in his hand which is being held by Seokjin. "Jin?!" Seokjin looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook was surprised to see Seokjin's face which is red and tears rolling down his face with a small pout. "You are awake?" Seokjin asked in between his hiccups. Jungkook who was too stunned to speak, said "Jin why are you crying?" Seokjin wiped his tears "I thought something bad happened to you" the tears started flowing again Jungkook removed his blanket and sat on the bed "hey... I am fine" Jungkook said cupping Seokjin's cheeks while whipping the tears with a small smile on his face.

Seokjin looked at Jungkook's eyes and then lowered his gaze towards Jungkook's lips and without thinking much Seokjin kissed Jungkook's lips. Jungkook immediately responded to the kiss. Soon they started sucking each other's lips. Jungkook pulled Seokjin and made him sit on his lap.

Taehyung who went to pay the bill paid them. While going towards the lift. Someone came in front of him "oh what a coincidence Taehyung" Taehyung's expression remained unchanged "right? What a strange coincidence Mr. Kim Seo Hyung" Mr. Kim smiled 'sweetly' and said "what are you doing here Taehyung" but before Taehyung could answer "oh right Jungkook. I heard he was chased and got shot when he was trying to run away. So sad he should learn how to fight. What if these types of things repeat" Mr. Kim said while showing fake sympathy and foxlike words.

Taehyung's blood boiled, no one dares to insult his brother and get away with it. "Well, I think you remember when Jungkook beat the shit out of your members all alone where your men were equipped and on the other hand Jungkook was not," Taehyung said with a smirk.

Mr. Kim's expression changed but he composed himself and said "I heard you brought someone home" Taehyung's expression darkened Mr. Kim moved forward and placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder " be careful not everyone is trusted," he said near Taehyung's ears and left.

Taehyung's face showed anger, he went inside the lift and went to see jungkook. When he opened the door he was shocked to see a guy sitting on jungkook's lap and kissing him. Taehyung coughed a little.

jungkook looked at Taehyung who has a silly smirk on his face. "hyung, um..." he looked at Seokjin who is red like a tomato, and looked down "Hyung, he is Seokjin. jin he is my brother Taehyung." Seokjin looked up, and gave a small smile "Hello" Taehyung returned it with a nod "umm... I have some work to do, bye jungkook. bye." Seokjin told jungkook and taehyung and went away.

After jin closed the door taehyung looked at jungkook with a playful smirk "looks like my baby brother is all grown up" "hyung ~~ enough" taehyung sat beside jungkook "so, who is that?" jungkook looked at taehyung "I told you I am going after a guy" "he is that guy?" taehyung asked with a surprised face. jungkook nodded. "so, finally you got it, man." taehyung said ruffling his brother's hair.

"Hyung what happened?" Jungkook's sudden question made Taehyung retrieve his hand "when you came inside you were angry" jungkook pointed out. No matter how busy the brothers are they notice the slight change in their behaviors that's what makes them special.

"Kim Seo Hyung, he came to rub salt on our wounds," Taehyung said. Jungkook sighed," he for once cannot live us alone right " "leave about it. I called dad to inform him about the attack but mom heard it and she is on the way so be prepared to answer her questions." Taehyung said while standing up "Hyung, how can you do this to me? You know mom will never let me leave the house again" " your mistake, you handle it. I have work see you " Taehyung said and left.

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