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At the Party:

After talking to Yoongi Seokjin went inside to look for his father. Seokjin spotted Mr.Kim and was about to get there with a smile on his face.

"Jin"  Seokjin heard Jungkook's voice and turned around. Jungkook came towards Seokjin "Jin what are you doing here? I thought you won't be able to come." Seokjin looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"Ju-Jungkook......." Seokjin was terrified, due to the happiness he was experiencing because of his father Seokjin forgot about Jungkook.

The glass Clicking sound grabbed everyone's attention. "Thank you all for attending coming to this party. It's good to see everyone. As you all know the black spider has been going well for all these years and now its time for a new leader.  I am overjoyed to announce my son Jeon Taehyung as the new leader for black spider." Mr.Jeon said while welcoming Taehyung.

On the other Mr.Kim was boiling with anger. After announcing Taehyung as the new leader, Taehyung gave a short speech. 

Seokjin stood beside Jungkook, whose hands were wrapped around Seokjin's waist. Jungkook turned Seokjin around, their faces were inches apart.

Jungkook looked at Seokjin's lips and then eyes, "Now tell me. You said you have a headache. How are you feeling now?" Jungkook asked.

Seokjin was biting his lips and avoiding Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook caressed Seokjin's lips. "Stop biting them" Seokjin stopped biting them and looked up throw his eyelashes.

When Seokjin looked at Jungkook guilty started to eat him and without knowing tears started to flow from his eyes. Jungkook was shocked to see tears flowing from Seokjin's "hey... are you okay? What happened" Jungkook wiped Seokjin's tears and hugged him.

Seokjin was feeling so guilty to cheat on someone like Jungkook who gave everything and asked nothing in return. Jungkook took Seokjin outside and made him sit on the bench which was located in the garden.

Seokjin rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder while Jungkook's hands were wrapped around Seokjin giving Seokjin the warmth and comfort he need.

Soon the guests started to leave the party as it was getting late. Jungkook and Seokjin stayed still. Seokjin was thankful that Jungkook didn't question him any further.

Seokjin looked up and said "Jungkook... I have something to let you" Jungkook looked into Seokjin's eyes and he could see that Seokjin was hesitating so much, and it was scaring Jungkook as well. "What is it, baby? You seem so...sad and worried. You don't have to force yourself to tell me anything. You can take your time. I will always stay by your side." Jungkook said with so much care and love which made Seokjin feel as if someone was squeezing his heart so hard.

Seokjin decided to come clean. 'I have to tell Jungkook everything I don't want to cheat or lie to jungkook anymore. I love Jungkook. I didn't even realize when I fell in love and again who wouldn't love this bunny? It's hard to not fall in love with him' Seokjin thought to himself.

"What are looking at? Am I that handsome" Jungkook said with a proud face which made Seokjin chuckle and smile a bit, "That's right, you should always have a smile on your face Seokjin." Jungkook said while caressing Seokjin's cheeks.

Jungkook leaned forward and pecked Seokjin's lips. The lovely atmosphere was disturbed by Seokjin's phone. Seokjin took his phone out and it was his father. Seokjin didn't know whether he should answer it or not.

Jungkook saw the hesitation "You're not going to answer the call?" Seokjin looked at the phone and then looked at Jungkook "No... It's not important" Seokjin said with a small smile and cut the call.

"Jin I need to show you something," Jungkook said excitedly. "What is it?" Seokjin asked confused. "Come with me" Jungkook took Seokjin's hand and took him inside the mansion. The guests left leaving very few but important partners and Mr.Kim was furious, "Where is the bastard? He is not answering my calls" Mr.Kim asked his bodyguard. "Don't know sir. He is not answering any of my calls either."

Mr. Kim's partner (Seohyun) came towards Mr.Kim "Hello, Mr.Kim. What are you doing here?" Mr.Kim looked at him annoyed. "I heard you brought your son. Where is he?" "Shut up!!" Mr.Kim warned him. "Why are you so upset? Oh I know because your plan to kill Taehyung failed?" Seohyun laughed.

Which made Mr.Kim furious "You think killing Taehyung was my plan?" Seohyun stopped laughing and looked at Mr.Kim "What are you planning to do Mr.Kim" Mr.Kim smirked "Since my little rat is curious I will tell you. As you can see we still have a few most important clients present here. I will tell everyone that Seokjin is my son and as soon as say those words entire Jeon family will be shocked and the youngest son of Jeon will be heartbroken. Seeing his precious son in tears Mr.Jeon will lose his mind and attack or even kill Seokjin. Killing a person in front of the most important clients will never bring any good. And me being the 'good father' will report it to the police and soon the Jeon's empire will start losing its shares and collapse and I will be at the top" 

On the other hand, Jungkook and Seokjin entered the mansion holding hands. Jungkook was about to take Seokjin towards his room to surprise him with something that he has been waiting for so long.

But before they could reach the steps Mr.Kim saw them and called Seokjin. He purposefully called Seokjin so loud that he have everyone's attention. Jungkook and Seokjin stooped their steps and turned around. Jungkook frowned.

He didn't understand how Mr.Kim knew Seokjin's name. Mr.Kim made his way toward Seokjin who was terrified and squeezed Jungkook's hand unknowingly.

Jungkook looked at Seokjin and was confused why Seokjin was looking terrified. Jungkook pushed Seokjin behind him and stood in front of Mr.Kim "Jungkook move I need to talk with Seokjin" Mr.Kim said, "Why do you have to talk with my boyfriend?" Jungkook said glaring at Mr.Kim.

Mr.Kim laughed sarcastically "Your boyfriend? Oh My. You must be mistaken Mr.Jeon Jungkook. I am not here to talk with your boyfriend. I am here to talk with my son" Jungkook looked confused.

Mr.Kim looked behind Jungkook where Seokjin was looking down and returned his eyes towards Jungkook and smirked "You look confused Jungkook let me elaborate on it for you. The person who is hiding behind you is my son Seokjin. Kim Seokjin" As soon as the words left Jungkook's grip on Seokjin's hand went loose. And Seokjin closed his eyes, already giving up. 

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