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Seokjin got ready and was waiting for Mr.Kim. Soon his doorbell rang and Woon In was the one standing in front of the door.

Seokjin looked past Woon In and saw Mr.Kim sitting in the car parked in front of his house "Let's go. Mr.Kim is waiting for you" Woon In said with his head slightly bowed. Seokjin nodded his head and made his way toward the car.

Yoongi and Hoseok stood there watching Seokljin get into the car and drive away, they were in no position to stop Seokjin, especially Mr.Kim.

In the car:

Seokjin sat beside Mr.Kim who was talking on the phone and not acknowledging Seokjin's presence.

After finishing his phone call Mr.Kim looked at Seokjin and gave Seeokjin a sweet smile which surprised Seokjin. "You have done a wonderful job my son," Mr.Kim said while caressing Seokjin's head.

Seokjin widened his eyes when Mr.Kim called him 'my son'. "Mr.Kim?" Seokjin was confused by the sudden behavior change."Call me father Jinaa~~"  When he heard the word 'jinaa' Seokjin couldn't stop his tears as his mother used to call him that.

Seokjin looked at his lap as tears started flowing from his eyes. "Aigoo~~ my son is such a baby come here," Mr.Kim said while hugging Seokjin.

Seokjin who was dying for this love couldn't think straight and hugged his father and cried his eyes out. "Father ..Father," Seokjin said the word 'father' as a mantra as if he met the god "Father, I dreamed this so many times. you are calling me your son and allowing me to call you father. like a dream come true." Mr.Kim detached himself and looked at Seokjin, wiping his tears "Don't cry jinaa we have a party to attend and I want to introduce you to everyone as my son" Seokjin was over the moon hearing that his Father was ready to introduce him to the whole world. 

The car stopped "We are here sir." Woon In said "Let's go Seokjin," Mr.Kim said while opening the car door "Yes father" Seokjin came out of the car and stood beside his father. Seokjin's phone rang, he took out the phone from his pocket, it was yoongi. Seokjin was in a dilemma about whether he should pick up the phone. "go ahead and answer the call Seokjin. I will wait for you inside. Don't make it long."  Mr.Kim said to which Seokjin nodded his head. He went to the side to answer the call.

In Seokjin's house:

After Seokjin went away Yonngi and Hoseok went inside the house and waited for Seokjin. "Do you think he is going to be okay?" Hoseok asked worried and Seokjin "I don't know hobaa. Something is fishy. Just some fake sweet words from Mr.Kim and Seokjin will do anything. That's what scares me the most."Hoseok took Yoongi's hand in his hands "Don't worry yoongi. Let's hope that he will not use Seokjin."  Yoongi was still worried for Seokjin, Seeing this Hoseok gave the phone to Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at the phone and Hoseok with a question mark face. "Go ahead and call Seokjin," Hoseok said to which Yoongi smiled and took the phone from Hoseok's hand. After ringing for a few minutes Seokjin finally picked up the call "Hello Seokjin!" "Yoongi you won't believe this but Mr.Kim called me his son," Seokjin told Yoongi with so much happiness in his voice. "What?!" Yoongi couldn't believe what he had just heard "Not only that he told me that he will introduce me as his son to his partners and even the whole world," Seokjin said like a kid who got the first prize. 'No this is not possible. Something is wrong' Yoonig thought to himself, but before Yoonig could say something "Yoongs I have to go, father, is waiting for me. Bye,"  Seokjin ended the call. 

"What happened Yoongi?" Hoseok asked Yoongi after looking at the worried expression on Yoongi's face."Seokjin said Mr.Kim is going to introduce Seokjin as his son to everyone at the party." Yoongi said. "What ?? then... at the party, Jungkook will be there too right?"  Hoseok said worrying about Seokjin 'What hell are you planning Kim Seo Hyung'

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