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After Seokjin has calmed down Jungkook brought him to Seokjin's house and stayed with Seokjin until he confirmed that Seokjin is asleep but before he could leave Seokjin's bedroom he heard Seokjin whispering "'t..."  Jungkook ran to Seokjin's side and hugged "It's okay jin. I am here shh..." Jungkook said while rubbing Seokjin's back. Jungkook decided to sleep with Seokjin, afraid that Seokjin will have nightmares.

The next day morning when Jungkook opened his eyes he saw Seokjin's head close to his chest and hand folded like a baby. He looked so cute and vulnerable, and Jungkook wanted to protect Seokjin as much as possible.

Jungkook moved a few hair strings which were falling on Seokjin's face. With a small smile, Jungkook leaned and kissed Seokjin's forehead. Jungkook carefully freed himself and went to the kitchen to cook some food for his baby.

While Jungkook was making breakfast he heard the calling bell, he removed his apron and went to open the door. When he opened the door he saw two people standing in front of them.

One was a pale-looking guy and another was a sunshine guy. Before Jungkook could ask who they were the sunshine guy shouted "Jeon Jungkook?!" The pale guy also looked shocked but he composed himself "Yeah. Who are you guys and how do you know my name?" Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook who is that?" Seokjin asked, coming out of his room while rubbing his eyes. Seokjiin pecked to see who was it "Oh hoseok and yoongi. What are guys doing here?" Seokjin asked them "You know them?" Jungkook asked Seokjin in a low voice. "Yeah, they are my friends from...from the village"  Jungkook nodded his head.

"Come in" Seokjin invited them both and they sat on the sofa. Seokjin went to the  kitchen to bring some water while Jungkook sat with the guests "So how long have you been friends with Seokjin?" Jungkook asked, "Well I joined- I mean I am friends with Seokjin for not too long just a couple of months but this guy right here, he and Seokjin have been friends from the day he was born. They both are super close."  Seokjin

came out of the kitchen with a tray containing two glasses of water, and some fruits. "What are you guys talking about?" Seokjin asked while sitting on the sofa beside Jungkook."Nothing in specific" Jungkook answered. Soon Jungkook got a call from his friends regarding the project they were doing for their final year so Jungkook took left.

"What is he doing here Jin ?" As soon as Jungkook went out Yoongi asked Seokjin with his hands folded. "he....he just...." Seokjin searched for words "He what Jin. You know that he is not supposed to be here right?" Yoongi asked frustrated.

"Yoongs calm down he might have his reasons" Hoseok tried to calm down Yoongi "Calm down? Are you seriously asking me to calm down? Hoseok you do know what will happen if Seokjin fails this 'mission' right? Wh-"  "It won't. I would never fail this 'mission' Yoongi." Seokjin went to his bedroom and locked his door.

He closed his eyes took a long breath, opened his eyes and went towards his laptop, and started working on the 'mission'. Before going further into the 'mission' Seokjin was curious about who attacked Taehyung that night, he was having a hunch but hoped he was wrong. So he went through all the CCTV footage and gathered information.

And yes his hunch was correct. He took his car keys and went towards the person who planned to kill Taehyung at full speed.  As soon as he stopped the car in front of huge gates the gates automatically opened and security guards saluted to Seokjin as Seokjin made his way towards the main mansion which is like 1-2 km from the main gate.

He left the car in front of the main door and went inside without closing the car door. He straight away went to *Kim Seo Hyung's room which was located on the first floor. He went inside the room without knocking "You said you will not interfere and let me do my work father!" Seokjin said in a harsh voice.

The person who was sitting on the chair looked at Seokjin, he leaned back in his chair "Where are your manners Seokjin"  The person said with a demanding voice. Seokjin was already boiling with anger. He was not the type to be angry easily but the person in front of him is testing his patience "Manners?? are you talking about manners now? *scoff * After what you did to my mother you think you can talk ab-" Before Seokjin could finish his sentence Kim Seo Hyung slapped Seokjin hard that Seokjin's lip got cut and a mark was left on Seokjin's check.

"Know your place. You are nothing to me you understand that. I only took you in because I didn't want anyone to know that I have a child like you." Kim Seo Hyung babbled and walked to the door, he paused "Get your shitty attitude together you have to complete the mission" He said but Seokjin didn't respond anything. Kim Seo Hyung threw the near flower vase towards Seokjin Which by luck missed "Answer me, you idiot!!" Kim Seo Hyung shouted "Yes, father" Seokjin answered with a low voice. 

*Kim Seo Hyung -- Leader of Dagger Demon

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