Get Here ASAP.

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*Elise's pov*

I woke up on the beach with a killer hangover completely forgetting whatever happened last night. The only clue I had was the bottle of peach Ciroc lying next to me along with my car keys and my phone which seemed flat out of battery.

I stumbled across the beach towards my car and got in it to drive home. As I ignited the engine the clock on the dashboard told me that it was 8.57am. I don't know how I managed to get up this early without an alarm but all I could think about was getting home to my warm bed and continuing my slumber.

"Elise I am so sorry for what happened yesterday" That was my greeting when I walked through the door. It was a loud greeting as well so all I could do was wave her off and squint my eyes as I tried to walk to my bedroom

"I got so worried when your phone went straight to voicemail I nearly called the cops but Luke told me not to." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face her. She called Luke. That was the worse possible thing she could ever do.

"Mum I'm going to bed we'll have this discussion later I just really don't want this right now."

"But El.."

"Later mum." I grunted as I hauled myself up the 13 steps, counting each one as I did so. I needed aspirin, water and sleep. Forget studying, forget texting my boyfriend. Then I remembered, he finished the 1st leg of the tour yesterday which means he'd be home tomorrow. Shit.

I knew I had to recover and do it quickly so I ran to the bathroom, got an aspirin out of the cupboard and went to my bedroom to make sure I got a good sleep before he got back. I missed him loads and all I want to do when he gets back is show him that.

I wanna look good and smell good but most importantly I want to feel good. I don't want to feel broken and torn apart. It sounds bad but I really need Luke to help me put all of the pieces back together and help me be me again.

"Me and you have a lot of talking to do." I heard as I opened my door. And there he was. Luke... Sat on my bed. Suddenly my hangover was completely cured and I ran up to him to hug him but he brushed me off.

"What's wrong?" I questioned as I took a step back away from him. Examining his body language and the expression on his face.

"You and Niall. Why didn't you tell me?" Holy shit. Did I tell him last night? Or did Niall finally come clean after that all weighing on his conscience?

"I don't know what to say Luke. Where do you want me to start with everything?"

"You can start with why you cheated on me with him. That would really clear everything up." Wait... What? I sat on my bed with my head in my hands and put my phone on charge.

"That's not what happened at all Luke. I don't know what bullshit story you've been fed but that is not what happened I can promise you that."

His face screwed up due to the confusion and all I wanted to do was hold him and reassure him that I'd never cheat on him but after the story I'm about to tell I don't think he'll even want to be within three feet of me.

I made him sit next to me on the bed and promise not to judge me. Of course, Luke being Luke, he said he wouldn't but I knew ,deep down, after this he won't be able to touch me let alone want to.

Before I told the story I had to text Biannca, I needed support and backup and an extra hand to stop him from telling my mum or going to find Niall.

To B: Luke's back I'm about to tell him get here asap.

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