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As the darkness settled in the sky, everyone had fallen asleep. But, Armaan laid wide awake staring at the white ceiling and the only words rang in his ears.

'Nia is returning tomorrow'

"She's returning tomorrow and I am leaving tomorrow?"

"Why did it had to be like this?"

It's been so many years since he saw her. The last he had seen her was when she was around forteen years old. But now, he wondered about how would she be looking.

Would he recognise her?

Would she recognise him?

Or would she have forgotten everything?

He did hear that people do change when they move to different place. And here Nia had moved across the seas, very far from him.

His grandfather had visited Sens house as he had mentioned to his grandmother to give the sweets. Her was glad to see his grandfather hadn't left until he reached home. He had managed to slip two candies into the sweet box and now he only prayed that his grandfather wouldn't open the box or anyone else in front of his grandfather.

Somewhere in his heart, he wished to give those candies to her personally but he didn't know why, he felt like he wouldn't be able to give if she were to stand in front of him.

Just mere thought of her standing in front of him, had his heart beating rapidly.

He still remembered the day Nia had eaten many tamarind candies during her parents wedding. It was then he found out that she loved them to core. Back then, it was very easy to make her happy by using silly tactics but now, would she be the same?

Would she still like those candies?

Or what if she had grown to distaste them?

Did he made mistake of slipping those candies in the box?

Even if it was, it was too late to do anything.

His thoughts were clouded by all three memories of him and Nia and he didn't realise until his alarm started to ring, that he hadn't slept even for a minute and it was already time for him to get ready and leave for the airport.

He woke up and got ready and at the same time, Pramila had also woken up to prepare some light breakfast for him. Having his breakfast, he left for the airport. By the time he reached the airport, it was few minutes past six.

There at the entrance he saw two people standing and waiting. Recognising the couple, he neared them.

"Naina Maa? Adi Uncle?"

By hearing the familiar voice, the couple turned to see Armaan standing in front of them with a luggage.

"Arey? What are you doing here, Armaan?"

Naina questioned while Armaan could feel the suspicious stare he received from Aditya. Naina had always been a mother figure for Armaan that he had started calling her 'Naina maa' . Naina was more than happy that she could be there for Armaan as a mother. Though Aditya too cared for him, but had sufficed to have been called just an uncle by him.

"Naina maa, I-"

"Yes, Armaan.... What are you doing at airport at this time?"

Aditya narrowed his eyes at him making him uncomfortable under his gaze. Armaan only kept quiet as he was Nia's father and someone in front of whom he had grown up. It wasn't that Aditya was bad toward him. Armaan feared that somewhere Aditya was aware of his feelings for Nia. The only thing was neither of them confronted eachother.

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