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New Delhi

As Armaan was on his way to hotel where the meeting was arranged, he was lost in the thoughts of Nia.

'By now, she would have reached home'

'What would she be doing?'

'Did she ask about him?'

Then suddenly his thoughts wandered to the one where he bumped into a girl in the airport.

Her doe like eyes, somehow felt familiar to him.

They way she looked at him and the way her heart, pounded.... He had heard clearly.

Shaking his head, he focus back on the presentation that had to be presented during the meeting.

At the Sen residence, Naina finished all her work once Aditi and Aditya left and then finally she went to Nia's room to see her sleeping just like she used to as a small child.

Curling up into a ball.

Smiling, Naina entered the room and sat beside her and slowly started to caress her head. She sat leaning into headboard and she felt Nia raising her head and placing on her lap.

"I missed this mumma"

" I did too..."

Naina continued to pat her head and caress while Nia fell asleep. With that, even Naina fell asleep.



Archana who had been searching Naina, finally found her curling up with Nia and sleeping. This sight, sent her to the days where Nia was just a small child and Naina used to sleep in with her.

Archana smiled, as she silently gazed at them. What she felt happy about was, even after Naina have birth to Aditi, Naina never ever leave Nia. She always cared about her and asked for her. It was like, Nia was her breath. Letting them sleep peacefully, Archana left from there and stepped downstairs.

As the day turned into noon, Armaan who was seated in the conference in one of the reputed hotel in Delhi, waited for his client's decision as all the presentations were already presented. As he looked into nothingness, his thoughts went back to wondering what would be Nia doing right now?

He opened his laptop, and then logged in into his Facebook account and then Instagram account and opened her profile to see only one picture of her entire family along with her when she was a child and her profile had no picture at all. It was the same case with other the accounts.

There was never a day where he did not check or more like stalk her account to find at least something about her. But just like now, her profile had nothing at all in all these years. He had even tried to see her picture at Sen's house when he had visited last time. But unfortunately, Aditya had stopped him from entering Nia's room.

The very same room where they used to spend hours together. And he just couldn't muster up to ask anyone to show him at least a single picture of Nia. He literally got frustrated right now as he knew that Nia was just some kilometers away from him.

Slowly as the time ticked, the day turned to evening where Aditya and Aditi were fighting over a piece of cake, while Nia saw their silly banter and laughter and smiled happily to be home. Everyone pampered her and fed her so many dishes that were cooked.

"Haa haa... Ab dii Jo aagayi hai, Mai toh Kisi ko Yaad hi Nahi hu!"

Aditi said, pouting and turning away from everyone and the very next moment, Nia jumped onto her to feed and then everyone started feeding her while she couldn't eat anymore and was trying to escape from everyone to be only caught and crushed into hug and fed.

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