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Everyone walked out of the room as Nia asked them to and when she started checking Armaan, he had his gaze fixed on her.


Hearing his voice, almost faltered her hands but she steadied herself and continued to check as she pretends to not hear him. Seeing her like this, Armaan held her hand to stop her from checking his temperature.

"Nia....Are you alright?"

Nia finally raised her gaze at him as they stayed like that for more than a minute, Nia suddenly pulled her hand from his grip. She felt like his gaze was not just looking at her, but at her soul and his grip on her hand wasn't helping her either.

"I think you are forgetting who's the doctor here and I should be the one to ask you, Mr. Diwakar.

Are you alright?"

Hearing her call him as "Mr. Diwakar" made him feel enraged. He didn't like it when she called him with his surname. He felt as though he was no one to her. Not even a stranger. That pricked his heart.

"Try asking once again, sweetheart. I am sure, you know my name."

With a fake smile plastered on her face, Nia kept the charts aside and spoke.

"Of course, I know. Mr. Diwakar. That's how a doctor should be addressing a patient."

Hearing this, Armaan glared at Nia. He was having enough of this. He wanted her to talk just like before. Before she left this country, years ago. But he controlled himself from getting up and caging her between him and the wall and then talking. Instead, he just spoke calmly.

"Nia... I don't know why you are talking like this and all I am asking is are you alright or not?"

"Why do you even want to know? How does it even matter to you whether I am alright or not?"

"Nia, listen-"

"Did you send him to jail?"

Hearing her question, Armaan stopped himself from talking and asked.

"Wh-what do you think?"


"What do you mean by 'why?'? What he did was not-"

"Don't interfere in my life!"

Saying, Nia turned around to leave but then she stopped and looked back at him.

"Get him out of there"

Demanding, she left the room. Outside, at a little distance from the ward, everyone were standing.


"Dadi... Dadu.... He's alright. He just need some time to recover the cuts and stitches. He's completely fine"

Hearing this, all the four were relieved. Sanjay then said.

"Pramila.... I think you should go home with Pratap and Archana. Anyway someone needs to bring food right? And just a while ago, that doctor said that only one can be here with him."

Remembering his back pain, then Nia said.

"Dadu.... Even you can go home. You have been here since morning. Please go home and take some rest"

"I would Nia. But.... Who will be there with him? We can't leave him alone"

"There are ward boys and nurses, Dadu."

"Yes... But still.... I don't want to leave him and go"

"Dadu... I understand what you are saying. But even he wouldn't like you to be here in pain. Please go home and take some rest and you can come back in the evening"

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