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Outside the club Ashutosh ran behind Sapna who continued to walk without paying heed to his calls.


"Stop! It's not safe to leave alone."

Sapna then turned around and looked at Ashutosh with her teary eyes.

"Thank you for your concern Dr. Mehra, but I think I can manage"

"Sapna stop being stubborn and come with me"

"Sir? I am being stubborn? You are being stubborn right now!"

"Sapna.... Listen It's already late and the streets around here isn't safe for you to travel alone"

"I know that.... That's why..."

Sapna shoved something out of her bag and held closer to his face.

"I have pepper spray. And I can spray this on you too"

Ashutosh couldn't help but laugh with the amount of cuteness she was talking and looking at him.

"And why would you do that?"

"Because you scolded me"

Sapna forwarded her hand with the pepper spray, which made Ashutosh raise both of his hands in surrender.

"I- stop you cannot do this"

"I can! And I will!"

"Dr. Sapna I am your senior"

"And we are not in hospital"

"I didn't mean to scold you Dr. Sapna"

"Yet you did!"

"That's because- because-"

Ashutosh couldn't speak as he just couldn't tell her that he was looking out for Nia.

"Because what Dr. Ashutosh?"

"Because I have never met anyone who spoke so much and-"

"And I am irritating, right sir?"

Sapna completed though he wasn't going to something like that. Tears welled up in her eyes as Ashutosh felt guilty to have spoken such words to her.

"No... Dr. Sapna. You are not irritating. I -"

"It's alright Sir, I will stay in my limits"

Shoving the pepper spray inside her bag and wiping her tears, Sapna turned around to leave but then suddenly she felt her arm being held. She knew it was Ashutosh. As soon as she felt his touch, Sapna felt a weird sensation within her as her heart started thumping unusually.

"Sapna.... Common, I will drop you home."

Sapna didn't realize that Ashutosh was standing just behind her. When she turned back, she was startled to find him so close that she could almost feel his breath fanning on her face and smell his cologne.

Ashutosh looked at her eyes being widened and startled, he distanced himself from her and cleared his throat.

"It's quite late, Dr. Sapna. I don't think it's appropriate for you to leave alone at this hour of time"

"But sir-"

"I don't want to hear anything Dr. Sapna"

He held her hand and walked her to his car where the driver was waiting for him, opened the door to back seat. Ashutosh motioned her get inside the car but Sapna stood still as she felt astonished by the way she was feeling when he held her hand.

Seeing her not moving an inch, Ashutosh snapped his fingers in front of her bringing her back from her chain of thoughts.

"Dr. Sapna? Common.... Get inside the car"

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