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In the Lifeline Hospital, in an emergency ward where nurses and duty doctors had gathered around one single bed trying everything to treat the wounded person, but in return they only got pushes and kicks from him. Armaan was now getting crazy. He didn't wanted to care about his wound, he wanted to see if Nia was alright or not. The more he tried to get away from there, the more those people pushed him to the bed. And when they all thought that the man was insane and mentally disturbed, one of the doctor motioned a nurse indicating to bring an injection to make him unconscious.

Armaan's eyes widened as he saw injection. He was damn afraid of those sharp needles. He shouted at them as he tried to push them away from him.

"You all are mad or what?"

"I don't need an injection!"

"I am here to see someone!"

"Just let me go!"

As he saw the needle nearing his arm, Armaan gathered all of his strength to push the nurse away and punched the ward boy.

It was then his gaze caught the sight of the only person he was dying to see. All he needed was to just make sure that she was alright. And there she stood staring at him with her eyes widened with shock and surprise as though she hadn't expected to see him again. Not at least in this condition where he was throwing tantrums like a small child who was afraid of injections!


Armaan and the others heard her whisper loudly. And as they did, they all stepped back letting Nia walk near the bed where Armaan was half lying and his legs dangling down.

"What are you doing here?"

Nia asked him as his visit was so unexpected and she had never even thought of seeing him again. Not in this condition. Her gaze averted to his hand which had Pieces of glass stuck making a deep cut. The blood was oozing out. But the man in front of her laid unaffected by the deep cut and the blood.

As they remained gazing at eachother, Armaan was trying to know whether she was alright or not. He trying to look deep into her eyes. Her puffy eyes were the proof that she had cried again.

But why?

Her couldn't ask her.

'Why was she crying?'

Armaan asked himself in his mind as he saw her lips moving. He was so zoned out thinking about her that he didn't realize when she held his hand in hers and started to sanitise his palm, cleaning the blood off his palm.

Armaan hissed in pain. He wanted to stop her but he couldn't as he was so lost in gazing at her. She was the same little girl who used to run behind her everywhere and wanted to be protected and now after years, she stood right in front of him and treated his wound. He wanted to tell her how proud he was feeling for her.

Nia who stood removing the glass pieces carefully.... While Armaan had his gaze fixed at her, all the other doctors and nurses along with ward boys stood with their jaws hung down with surprise looking at both of them.

All of their tries went in vain while Nia was calmly treating the man's wound who had created havoc in the hospital. Some of them whispered that saying that they both might know eachother.

The duty doctors motioned rest of them to get back to their work as the patient was in control and being treated. Despite going back to their work, they continue to discuss about how Nia was able to treat the man so calmly and how the man was sitting without uttering a single word. It was as though an innocent boy was sitting over there as if he didn't do anything at all.

It took more than an hour for Nia to remove the glass pieces out of his palm and then clean the wound, stitch the cuts. Now when she was bandaging his palm, she felt his gaze. She has been feeling his gaze from the past one hour and she didn't say anything. Once she was done, she grabbed the injection and just when she was about to reach his arm, Nia felt his grip on hers to stop her.

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