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In Sen's house, everyone had retired to their rooms including Nia who laid wide awake on her bed, fixed her gaze on the white ceiling. Her thoughts drifted back to few house ago where she was treating stranger's wounds.

'Would he be alright?'

'Did he have his dinner?'

Nia felt it so strange that she was thinking again and again about him and his wellness. Feeling frustrated with the way her brain and heart was messing with her, Nia groaned and rolled onto the bed with her face buried in the pillow.

'Why am I thinking about him?'

Soon her thoughts drifted away to the reason why she missed her sister's birthday party.

'It wasn't the stranger's fault'

'It was mine'

'I wasn't brave enough to face my past'

'Would he remember me at all?'

A lone tear escaped from eyes which was soon absorbed by the soft pillows.

Then the words said by her father hit her, 'For how long will you avoid him?'

'I cannot avoid him but then how will I face him?'

'God, please help me to withstand all of these situations. I have no idea of how I will manage myself when I meet him'

But then suddenly the stranger's face flashed again breaking the chain of her thoughts.

'Why do I feel like I know him?'

'Why do I feel like he's familiar?'

'Why do I keep thinking about him again and again?'

With the questions running in her mind, Nia soon drifted off to sleep. On the other hand, Armaan who had successfully hidden his injured hand from his grandparents only started to worry about their reaction when they will find out in the morning. Because, it couldn't be hidden for long. They would find out.

Slowly, Armaan changed into his night suit which was nothing but a night pant. Then, he slopped onto the bed with the earring in his good hand. With his back rested on the pillow, he held the earring and gazed at it with tenderness as he recollected the touches which belonged to his love.


Armaan called out her name with desperately wanting to tell her that he was her Maan!

Her Maan, who has been waiting for her for all these years.

He wanted to hold her in his arms.

He wanted to speak so much to her about so many things.

But the sight of her with puffy eyes, held him back.

"What made you cry so much Nia?"

"I hope you are alright"

"Soon, very soon we will be together"

"In eachother's arms"

Lost in Nia's thoughts, Armaan too drifted off to sleep.

The next early morning, when the sun had just started to rise, Armaan was dressed in his track suit and was running towards the beach side area just like any other day. When he reached, the sun had raised with all the brightness spread across while the streets got busier with people and small vendors.

Armaan stopped near the same place where the old woman was selling the tamarind candies.

"Kaki.... Can you give five of these candies?"

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