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In Lifeline Hospital, as Nia entered inside the building and made her way towards the locker room to find her fellow mates arriving one after the other.

"Hey.... Nia"


"Hey guys..."


It was Sapna, Digant, Chetan, Chaithra and Jay. Nia just smiled at them as she grabbed her scrub dress and dashed towards the changing room. When she was out, she saw only Jay to be seated on the bench while others were standing in a group busy in discussion.

"Guys.... Our Resident is Dr. Joshi!"

Chaithra groaned as she grabbed her stethoscope.

"Damn! He's such a pain!" Sapna chuckled.

Nia ignored their banter and walked near her locker and grabbed her pager and stethoscope hanging around her neck. All she thought was going back home as early as possible. After all it was her sister's birthday which she was going to be part of after so many years and she's didn't wanted to miss out on any happiness or celebration which she missed for all those years.







One after the other, their pages started to beep indicating that they were needed immediately. They all rushed towards emergent room where they found three accidental cases. They all were grouped into two and hurried the patients towards three different OT along with their residents.

But were immediately sent outside as they were not allowed to perform surgeries, instead they were given different tasks like running tests and going on the rounds and checking up on the incoming patients.

When jay and Nia were on the rounds, Jay noticed Nia yawning for the fifth time and decided to ask.

"Are you alright?"


"Seems like you didn't sleep last night.... Is everything alright?"

Nia averted her gaze back at the reports and then at him.

"Yes... Everything is alright"

Smiling, they both continued to work while Nia was lost in her own thoughts.

Yes it was true that she didn't sleep well last night and after so many years or was the first time when she was reminded of that one person, who she never wanted to meet. From past two-three days, she was not in right state of mind.

It was when her mother had told her that Sanjay Diwakar's grandson would be arriving to pick her up. She hadn't seen in all these years and neither did she even think of him.

But when Nia was listening to Aditi speaking about how she liked one of the boys in her class, and asked her if she liked anyone back then, was when she was reminded of him.

After that, when Aditi was playing all those voice notes which were birthday wishes for her, Nia heard one such familiar voice that reminded her of the person who had dropped her off to the hospital in the middle of the night. Which also reminded that her earring might still be with him and she had no idea on how to get it back.

She somehow tried to dodge all the thoughts that were beginning to cloud her brain and forced herself to sleep. But that was impossible to do and she hardly slept last night.

After the lunch, they had practical sessions of practicing important skills of performing surgery which took three long hours of practice. Then they were asked to complete the paper work and go for rounds once again but this time along with their residents. By the time they were done, it was half past six in the evening.

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