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With her gaze focus fixed on her mobile, Nia walked out of the hospital and stood at the entrance where the gate was wide open and moved aside a little bit.

"Hey Nia?"

Hearing her own name being called, she looked up to see Jay. Jay Singhaniya, her batch mate, who worked along with her under the same attending Dr. Mehra. He was an average and simple person but with lot of expectations. He was now on his bike with a Helmet on his head.

"Jay" Nia nodded her head with a small smile.

"You haven't left yet?"

"No.... I will be leaving now"

"Mind if I drop you off to your home?"

"Thank you, Jay. But, my car is on the way"

They both gazed at eachother and then he spoke.

" I heard about it"

These words made her upset. She was trying her best to look as presentable as she could to not let anything know about this to her family. But seems like that would be difficult now that this person had reminded her everything.

"I-I sorry.... I just wanted to know if you are alright? Calling death.... Is what-"

Nia didn't wanted to talk or even discuss about this and here he was digging out everything she had bottled inside her heart. Having enough of hearing, she spoke not allowing to finish him.

"I think my car would be any minute here now so.... You don't have to wait for it"

"Nia... I didn't intend to upset you. I just-"

Even before he could finish, a black car stopped in front of them. Nia looked at the number on the car and then at the screen of her mobile, and sighed.

"Bye, Jay."


Nia quickly got inside the car leaving the man who probably wanted to know her only more. He had been watching her for about a month now. She was beautiful. He had been trying to talk to her other than the work related. But Nia, she never heeded to his efforts. When he saw her standing alone, until other evenings when she's quick to leave, thought of using the opportunity. Instead, he had made worse by talking about the incident. Sighing, he left from there.

In the middle of the heavy traffic, in the black Maruti Suzuki Baleno, Nia sat gathering herself and not cry in front of someone. It was now more than five minutes that she was in the car and found herself in the backseat.

'He will pick you up'

Archana's voice echoed in her head as she wiped tears off her eyes and gasped and remembering, she whispered to herself.


Nia looked at the person driving the car. He looked nearly age of her own grandmother and was in driver's dress. She contemplated whether to ask or not.

'Is he.... Really?'

She again asked to herself.

And then she remembered that she was sitting in the backseat!

With a meek voice of her, Nia tried to speak.


But no words came out from her mouth.

"Why, my dear daughter? Have you forgotten me?"

Nia looked at him as he spoke with a pleasant smile on his face. She saw him turning his face to her for a few seconds and then on his front as he drew swiftly and then stopped at the side of the road. Removing the seat belt, he turned completely to face Nia.

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