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The sun had risen up to begin the new day and slowly the hospital started to get busier and crowded by staffs and people. Dr. Ashutosh Mehra who arrived early in the morning, heard everything that Nia had done and gone through from Dr. Joshi and the first thing he did was to search for her. After a complete twenty minutes of searching her, he found her on the terrace slumped on the floor and leaned on the wall.

Nearing her, he saw that her eyes were closed. She had cried to sleep and probably she was worn out. He saw her tear smeared face which was all flushed and sighed.

"Dr. Sen?"

He shook her shoulder slowly to wake her up and the moment she opened her eyes, she found herself on the terrace and in front of Dr. Mehra. Then everything flashed in her mind that had happened and lowered her gaze as she felt that she had let her mentor down.


Nia tried to speak but not a single word came out of her mouth. Dr. Mehra sat next to her with his back leaning on the wall.

"The first time I declared dead was on my very first day of internship. I had probably made many mistakes before I was announced to be the best surgeon and Attending.

Mistakes are what our true lessons are.

Nia... Cry all you want.

But then, the moment you step down? All you will have to remember are the lives of the people that are waiting for you to treat them. Save them. You have to own your mistakes and make sure that never happens again.

And just like I always say.... We are not gods, Nia.

We are only humans who are trying to save lives.

Not everyone can be saved.

I haven't saved 100% lives.

Only 98.99%

And the remaining?

I am not sorry about it, as I did try to save their lives....but not everything is in our hands....

I will let you take off for the day....

Go home. You are dehydrated from all the crying."

Patting on her shoulder, he stood up and left her there. Nia then wiped the tears and stood up, straightening her shirt, and hairs, she headed towards the locker room and then to the washroom.

There she continuously splashed water on her face remembering her mistake and the voice echoing, again and again.

'I will let you take off for the day....'

Nia didn't like the idea of getting away. She understood she had done a mistake and she had repented it too.... But now, running away from what she was supposed to do? Is not what she wanted or even liked the idea...

She stood staring at her reflection in the mirror and spoke you to herself.

"No, Nia... You cannot run away from the reality and problems.... You have to face them.

You are here to not run away, but to save lives!

Just because you couldn't save one, that doesn't mean you will leave rest of the people's lives untreated!"

Mustering up the strength, Nia first went to cafeteria and hydrated herself with water and she ate some fruits to fill her stomach.

Once she was done, she straight away headed to Dr. Mehra and stood firm in front of him, leaving him agape.

"Sir, I can't run away from my responsibilities just because of what happened..... It is what I have chosen for myself, so how can I run away from this? I knew something like would happen but I hadn't thought it would be in this way.... To announce"

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