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As soon as Nia reached home, she got down the car and just as she took a step forward, she realised that the state she was in, her family wouldn't spare her without knowing which she didn't wanted to let it happen. So, she walked away from her house until she reached the main road where she took an auto to whom she just asked to drive.

After a while, or so when the auto driver was irritated to keep on driving without knowing the destination, he finally stopped and asked her to get down. Nia who was not in right state of mind, got down however and looked around to find herself near the pub where she had met Armaan.

Without thinking, Nia headed towards the pub and walked in to find it crowded but she kept on walking until the very same stage where she and Armaan had danced together. She was so close to him and yet so far.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she recollected all the memories she had with Armaan right from childhood and the memories of what she had done to him. Hurt her even more knowing how much she had hurt him.

"I was a fool... "

"I don't deserve him"

Nia didn't realise for how long she stood there and did the sounds of her mobile ringing brought her out of the trance she was in.

At some distance, the manager of the club who stepped down to check on everything. He had made sure to check in and out of his club every now and then to avoid the situations that had happened. He also installed extra  cameras and hired extra security people to make sure nothing goes wrong again.

Just then, his gaze fell on Nia whose face he still remembered. Afraid that something had happened to her, he walked closer to her to only witness her in such a situation. He felt something surely has happened. Stepping near, he asked politely.

"Excuse me ma'am? Are you alright? Do you need some help?"

Even after repeating his questions, when he finally got no response to the extent that Nia hadn't even budge from her position, she only stood up and headed to the drinks counter where the drinks were already kept for someone else, started gulping down.

Nia hadn't ever tasted a drink. But today, she didn't wanted to taste. She wanted to forget everything. One after the other, Nia gulped down the liquid from the glasses. Seeing this, the manager didn't wait anymore.

He went back to his cabin and started searching like a madman. After a few minutes, he found a card. Seeing which he sighed and shoved his mobile out and dialled in the number of the only person who could help her out.

He dialled again and again but the call was only being rejected. But then finally it was answered.

"What part of it you can't understand if I am rejecting your calls, that means I am not interested to talk? Don't you have better work-"

The manager couldn't even open his mouth. But still he tried mumbling.

"Sir, it's from the club that.... Night.... The girl..... She's here"

Armaan thought it is a prank call and just hung up. But to his dismay, just then he got a message of the photo and soon after a short clip of video.

Seeing this, the anger he had tried suppressing only bursted out that he started throwing all the things.

"What is it in you?!"

"Why, Nia? Even after I decided to stay away from, I cannot!"

In that picture, Nia had a glass of drink in her hand and in the clip, she was gulping down the drink one after the other which shocked Armaan to the core.

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