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Late in the evening, when Armaan returned home along with his grandfather, he heard Pramila speaking in phone with Archana. He didn't stand there to listen to her talks, instead he went straight to his room and placed the bag on the chair. Today, he was upset from himself. The day didn't go as he had expected to be. He started to talk with himself as he let all the frustration out.

"What are you waiting for, Armaan?"

"You have been waiting for so many years!"

"You have to man up and tell her that you...."

"What if she doesn't reciprocate my feelings?"

"What if she's not the same person anymore?"

"Common, Armaan! You had known a fourteen year old but now, she must have changed..."


Downstairs, Pramila and Sanjay were busy in discussing about when to meet Nia.

"Kal chale?"

Sanjay asks her....

"Kal toh uska first day hai..... Internship Ka"

"Ha.... Then let us meet her on Sunday?"

"We will have to see.... What if she's having duty on Sunday?"

"Arey.... Pramila abhi internship start bhi Nahi hua.... Toh Sunday kyu hi duty hoga usko?

But still....I will ask.... Pratap to inform when she will be at home"

"Huhm... Okay"

At Sen's house, when everyone retired to their respective rooms after dinner, and were fast asleep due to all the tiredness. But Nia, she was wide awake. Standing near the window and gazing the dark sky. There was no moon in the sky. It was all cloudy and black. She just stood there lost in her own thoughts. After a while, she went to her bed and slept off.

After few hours, when the sky was still dark and the sun was just yet to rise, with no one on the streets, Nia jogged on the paths of the park. She just didn't stop jogging even after the sunrise. Soon when the park was being crowded by the people, Nia started running towards the the path that lead to beach.

As she kept jogging, she was clouded with thoughts that had woken her up earlier.

'today is the biggest day of my life.

I would be stepping up onto the first ladder of my career.

My first day at the hospital.

And this thought has been making me nervous.

I don't know how the day would be.

All I know is, I have to remember my goal.

My aim.

To be a surgeon.

To save li-'


'Why is the wall in the middle of the road?!'

Her inner self screamed.

'And, since when did the wall started to have hands to hold a falling person?'


In the early morning, Armaan started off with his routine of jogging. He jogged the same paths everyday and he saw some familiar vendors and people and just continued to jog. In halfway to the beach, he bumped into someone.


He heard the girl groan and when she was about to fall, he held her by pulling closer. He looked at the girl. The hairs, dark brown mixed with black which covered her face due to the breeze. He could also hear her heart beating rapidly and her chest raised up and down heaving the breath unevenly.

His Tranquility In HerWhere stories live. Discover now