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Family bonding strengthens when spend time together and Dinner is one such time where all the members of the family sit together and have it. In Sen's house, while everyone settled around the dining table, and started to have dinner, they missed Nia. It had them worried whether Nia would have her dinner properly or not. Though Naina had sent food for Nia to have for dinner, she was quite worried and phoned Nia every now and then till Nia ate food she had sent. But still she felt discomfort of not having her daughter even during night time. Aditya too felt sad but at same time he exclaimed how proud father he was to have Nia as their daughter. The same Nia who was as delicate as precious glass and fainted at the sight of blood, was now saving lives.

At the same time, at Diwakars, they too were having dinner. Armaan who was eating silently, had his mind clouded with thoughts of the owner of the earring. The more he thought about her, the more he was going crazy. He felt this urge to meet her but at the same time, his heart was longing to meet his love. He constantly thought about all her likes and dislikes and a smile crept on his face. Then there was some weird familiarity when both of their faces kept on flashing across his mind, which made him feel like he going insane.

At the Lifeline Hospital, Nia who had her dinner, was seated on the sofa with a table in the front on which she had her books spread, drowned herself in studying. Nia being a surgical intern, along with her other batch mates had an exam at the end of the internship year. So, all Nia could think was about her exams and goals and dreams. But somewhere in the midnight, Nia fell asleep with the books on her lap Asher head slowly leaned over the arm of the sofa.

Dr. Ashutosh Mehra, who stood for hours in the O.T, made his way out with a frown on his face. While the patient was being shifted to most private ICU for VIP's, he freshened up and changed into his regular clothes and made his way towards the ICU where Maya was shifted to after him performing surgery in the daytime. Reaching the ICU, Ashutosh pushed open the door to see Maya still unconscious and with Nia fallen asleep.

Ashutosh brought up his arm to see the time and it was almost nearing two in the night. Sighing, he neared to Maya first and checked up on her to see everything was normal and his gaze shifted to the IV cannulation and then up at the filled drips bottles hung up. While the drops from the both, passed through the cannulation pipes properly. It seemed like the drips were changed just few minutes ago accordingly to how he had prescribed. At the same times, sensing the door open to the ICU, the nurse who was on the night shift hurried towards the ICU to find Dr. Ashutosh Mehra.



Just when she was about to speak, Ashutosh silenced her and slowly walked out of the room urging the nurse to follow him out.

"Where is the report?"

Ashutosh questioned sternly for which the nurse answered in feeble voice.

"Sir, the report are as same as before and the patient hasn't gained conscious. Dr. Sen had changed the drips just a while ago and maybe she fell asleep after that"

"Huhm... Ok. You can go"

When the nurse retreated, Ashutosh stepped inside the ICU once again to find Nia sleeping peacefully. His eyes wandered to how the books were spreaded all over the table and there was a book and a pencil on her lap too. Shaking his head, he took away the book slowly and placed it on the table. Removing his coat, he slowly covered her upper body as to not catch cold. Since it was an ICU which had AC running all the time.

While he was covering her with his coat, he had bent a little. He observed her sleeping face which was calm and serene. He had the urge to caress her flushed cheeks. Unknowingly, a smile crept on his face as he stepped back and settled himself opposite to her. Though he was tiered from being in O.T for so many hours, he couldn't get enough from watching her sleep. He felt his heart skip a beat. But then suddenly realising that he had started to have feelings for his intern, he got angry. Angry upon himself. Angry that he allowed himself to feel for her.

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